What is it? Front-end and post processing software for simulating planar RF filters and antennas with the openEMS FDTD field solver.
Installation: Please see the wiki page for installation / configuration information. https://github.com/tvelliott/jPCBSim/wiki
To Run:
In project folder
From command line java -jar dist/jPCBSim.jar
In Windows, you can just change to the dist folder and click on jPCBSim.jar (assuming you have java installed)
To Build:
First Time: Open project folder in netbeans. Open sources/PCBSimClient. Press Build button. This will create private folder under nbproject.
After that... In project folder
type 'ant jar' to build.
Importing a new design:
Use hyperlynx 6.3 or greater to export your eagle cad brd file to the .hyp file format.
Choose the menu option 'file/import/hyperlynx using hyp2mat' to import the file using the external converter 'hyp2mat'.