This hungry bot searches websites of restaurants around TU Wien and tells you all possible lunch menus.
First, you need to create a slack app (follow this instruction).
Then, create a config file that contains the Bot User OAuth Access Token.
The config file can also contain an array of restaurants with URL and a xpath
and a day offset to each menu they provide.
An example config file can be generated like this:
cat > config.yaml << EOF
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN: xoxb-0123456789ab-0123456789ab-0123456789abcdefghijklmn
- name: Mensa
url: ''
- xpath: '//div[{}]/div[2]/div[1]/div[6]/p/strong/text()'
day_offset: 1
- xpath: '//div[{}]/div[2]/div[2]/div[6]/p/strong/text()'
day_offset: 1
- xpath: '//div[{}]/div[2]/div[3]/div[6]/p/strong/text()'
day_offset: 1
It parses the TU Wien Freihaus Mensa and posts the three daily menus in the chat.