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John McGettrick edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

We have a number of small issues that currently affect this plugin and how people use it, these are detailed below. Unfortunately due to differing workflows between Moodle and Turnitin, some Moodle features can not be replicated in full.

Email address changes will not be reflected in Turnitin

If a user's email address is changed in Moodle, this will not reflect in Turnitin. If the user is unlinked and then the email address is changed a new Turnitin user account will be created.

Turnitin class/course length is currently restricted to 7 years

The length of a class/course in Turnitin is currently restricted to 7 years. This isn't specific to Moodle and is an issue that is being reviewed, please contact Product Support if this causes any problems or you have any questions.

Courses, Assignments and Students that are deleted in Moodle are kept in Turnitin

Any courses, assignments and students that are deleted in Moodle are not automatically deleted from Turnitin.

Activity completion inaccurate for Turnitin Assignments that contain multiple parts

Moodle supports flagging an activity as complete based on either the student viewing the activity or certain criteria being met (such as the student receiving a grade). As a Direct V2 assignment has multiple parts and Moodle has no concept of this, a student viewing or receiving a grade against a single part will mark the entire assignment as complete.

Turnitin post date takes priority over Hidden dates in Moodle's Gradebook

Grades are released to the student in the Turnitin Submission Inbox based on the Turnitin post date. When the assignment is created, the post date is copied to the Moodle gradebook hidden until date setting. If the hidden until date is subsequently edited in the Moodle gradebook, the Turnitin post date takes priority in the Turnitin Submission Inbox. This can lead to a scenario where a student can see their grade in the Turnitin Submission Inbox but not in the Moodle gradebook. This also affects Moodle Grade Categories.