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!function (t) { if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = t(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], t); else { var e; e = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, e.superagent = t() } }(function () { return function t(e, r, i) { function s(o, a) { if (!r[o]) { if (!e[o]) { var u = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!a && u) return u(o, !0); if (n) return n(o, !0); var h = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'"); throw h.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", h } var p = r[o] = { exports: {} }; e[o][0].call(p.exports, function (t) { var r = e[o][1][t]; return s(r ? r : t) }, p, p.exports, t, e, r, i) } return r[o].exports } for (var n = "function" == typeof require && require, o = 0; o < i.length; o++)s(i[o]); return s }({ 1: [function (t, e, r) { function i() { this._defaults = [] } ["use", "on", "once", "set", "query", "type", "accept", "auth", "withCredentials", "sortQuery", "retry", "ok", "redirects", "timeout", "buffer", "serialize", "parse", "ca", "key", "pfx", "cert"].forEach(function (t) { i.prototype[t] = function () { return this._defaults.push({ fn: t, arguments: arguments }), this } }), i.prototype._setDefaults = function (t) { this._defaults.forEach(function (e) { t[e.fn].apply(t, e.arguments) }) }, e.exports = i }, {}], 2: [function (t, e, r) { "use strict"; function i(t) { return null !== t && "object" == typeof t } e.exports = i }, {}], 3: [function (t, e, r) { function i() { } function s(t) { if (!y(t)) return t; var e = []; for (var r in t) n(e, r, t[r]); return e.join("&") } function n(t, e, r) { if (null != r) if (Array.isArray(r)) r.forEach(function (r) { n(t, e, r) }); else if (y(r)) for (var i in r) n(t, e + "[" + i + "]", r[i]); else t.push(encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(r)); else null === r && t.push(encodeURIComponent(e)) } function o(t) { for (var e, r, i = {}, s = t.split("&"), n = 0, o = s.length; n < o; ++n)e = s[n], r = e.indexOf("="), r == -1 ? i[decodeURIComponent(e)] = "" : i[decodeURIComponent(e.slice(0, r))] = decodeURIComponent(e.slice(r + 1)); return i } function a(t) { for (var e, r, i, s, n = t.split(/\r?\n/), o = {}, a = 0, u = n.length; a < u; ++a)r = n[a], e = r.indexOf(":"), e !== -1 && (i = r.slice(0, e).toLowerCase(), s = w(r.slice(e + 1)), o[i] = s); return o } function u(t) { return /[\/+]json($|[^-\w])/.test(t) } function h(t) { this.req = t, this.xhr = this.req.xhr, this.text = "HEAD" != this.req.method && ("" === this.xhr.responseType || "text" === this.xhr.responseType) || "undefined" == typeof this.xhr.responseType ? this.xhr.responseText : null, this.statusText = this.req.xhr.statusText; var e = this.xhr.status; 1223 === e && (e = 204), this._setStatusProperties(e), this.header = this.headers = a(this.xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()), this.header["content-type"] = this.xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type"), this._setHeaderProperties(this.header), null === this.text && t._responseType ? this.body = this.xhr.response : this.body = "HEAD" != this.req.method ? this._parseBody(this.text ? this.text : this.xhr.response) : null } function p(t, e) { var r = this; this._query = this._query || [], this.method = t, this.url = e, this.header = {}, this._header = {}, this.on("end", function () { var t = null, e = null; try { e = new h(r) } catch (e) { return t = new Error("Parser is unable to parse the response"), t.parse = !0, t.original = e, r.xhr ? (t.rawResponse = "undefined" == typeof r.xhr.responseType ? r.xhr.responseText : r.xhr.response, t.status = r.xhr.status ? r.xhr.status : null, t.statusCode = t.status) : (t.rawResponse = null, t.status = null), r.callback(t) } r.emit("response", e); var i; try { r._isResponseOK(e) || (i = new Error(e.statusText || "Unsuccessful HTTP response")) } catch (t) { i = t } i ? (i.original = t, i.response = e, i.status = e.status, r.callback(i, e)) : r.callback(null, e) }) } function c(t, e, r) { var i = b("DELETE", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.send(e), r && i.end(r), i } var l; "undefined" != typeof window ? l = window : "undefined" != typeof self ? l = self : (console.warn("Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment"), l = this); var f = t("component-emitter"), d = t("./request-base"), y = t("./is-object"), _ = t("./response-base"), m = t("./agent-base"), b = r = e.exports = function (t, e) { return "function" == typeof e ? new r.Request("GET", t).end(e) : 1 == arguments.length ? new r.Request("GET", t) : new r.Request(t, e) }; r.Request = p, b.getXHR = function () { if (!(!l.XMLHttpRequest || l.location && "file:" == l.location.protocol && l.ActiveXObject)) return new XMLHttpRequest; try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (t) { } try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0") } catch (t) { } try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0") } catch (t) { } try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (t) { } throw Error("Browser-only version of superagent could not find XHR") }; var w = "".trim ? function (t) { return t.trim() } : function (t) { return t.replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, "") }; b.serializeObject = s, b.parseString = o, b.types = { html: "text/html", json: "application/json", xml: "text/xml", urlencoded: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", form: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "form-data": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, b.serialize = { "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": s, "application/json": JSON.stringify }, b.parse = { "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": o, "application/json": JSON.parse }, _(h.prototype), h.prototype._parseBody = function (t) { var e = b.parse[this.type]; return this.req._parser ? this.req._parser(this, t) : (!e && u(this.type) && (e = b.parse["application/json"]), e && t && (t.length || t instanceof Object) ? e(t) : null) }, h.prototype.toError = function () { var t = this.req, e = t.method, r = t.url, i = "cannot " + e + " " + r + " (" + this.status + ")", s = new Error(i); return s.status = this.status, s.method = e, s.url = r, s }, b.Response = h, f(p.prototype), d(p.prototype), p.prototype.type = function (t) { return this.set("Content-Type", b.types[t] || t), this }, p.prototype.accept = function (t) { return this.set("Accept", b.types[t] || t), this }, p.prototype.auth = function (t, e, r) { 1 === arguments.length && (e = ""), "object" == typeof e && null !== e && (r = e, e = ""), r || (r = { type: "function" == typeof btoa ? "basic" : "auto" }); var i = function (t) { if ("function" == typeof btoa) return btoa(t); throw new Error("Cannot use basic auth, btoa is not a function") }; return this._auth(t, e, r, i) }, p.prototype.query = function (t) { return "string" != typeof t && (t = s(t)), t && this._query.push(t), this }, p.prototype.attach = function (t, e, r) { if (e) { if (this._data) throw Error("superagent can't mix .send() and .attach()"); this._getFormData().append(t, e, r || } return this }, p.prototype._getFormData = function () { return this._formData || (this._formData = new l.FormData), this._formData }, p.prototype.callback = function (t, e) { if (this._shouldRetry(t, e)) return this._retry(); var r = this._callback; this.clearTimeout(), t && (this._maxRetries && (t.retries = this._retries - 1), this.emit("error", t)), r(t, e) }, p.prototype.crossDomainError = function () { var t = new Error("Request has been terminated\nPossible causes: the network is offline, Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin, the page is being unloaded, etc."); t.crossDomain = !0, t.status = this.status, t.method = this.method, t.url = this.url, this.callback(t) }, p.prototype.buffer = = p.prototype.agent = function () { return console.warn("This is not supported in browser version of superagent"), this }, p.prototype.pipe = p.prototype.write = function () { throw Error("Streaming is not supported in browser version of superagent") }, p.prototype._isHost = function (t) { return t && "object" == typeof t && !Array.isArray(t) && "[object Object]" !== }, p.prototype.end = function (t) { return this._endCalled && console.warn("Warning: .end() was called twice. This is not supported in superagent"), this._endCalled = !0, this._callback = t || i, this._finalizeQueryString(), this._end() }, p.prototype._end = function () { var t = this, e = this.xhr = b.getXHR(), r = this._formData || this._data; this._setTimeouts(), e.onreadystatechange = function () { var r = e.readyState; if (r >= 2 && t._responseTimeoutTimer && clearTimeout(t._responseTimeoutTimer), 4 == r) { var i; try { i = e.status } catch (t) { i = 0 } if (!i) { if (t.timedout || t._aborted) return; return t.crossDomainError() } t.emit("end") } }; var i = function (e, r) { > 0 && (r.percent = r.loaded / * 100), r.direction = e, t.emit("progress", r) }; if (this.hasListeners("progress")) try { e.onprogress = i.bind(null, "download"), e.upload && (e.upload.onprogress = i.bind(null, "upload")) } catch (t) { } try { this.username && this.password ?, this.url, !0, this.username, this.password) :, this.url, !0) } catch (t) { return this.callback(t) } if (this._withCredentials && (e.withCredentials = !0), !this._formData && "GET" != this.method && "HEAD" != this.method && "string" != typeof r && !this._isHost(r)) { var s = this._header["content-type"], n = this._serializer || b.serialize[s ? s.split(";")[0] : ""]; !n && u(s) && (n = b.serialize["application/json"]), n && (r = n(r)) } for (var o in this.header) null != this.header[o] && this.header.hasOwnProperty(o) && e.setRequestHeader(o, this.header[o]); return this._responseType && (e.responseType = this._responseType), this.emit("request", this), e.send("undefined" != typeof r ? r : null), this }, b.agent = function () { return new m }, ["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE"].forEach(function (t) { m.prototype[t.toLowerCase()] = function (e, r) { var i = new b.Request(t, e); return this._setDefaults(i), r && i.end(r), i } }), m.prototype.del = m.prototype.delete, b.get = function (t, e, r) { var i = b("GET", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.query(e), r && i.end(r), i }, b.head = function (t, e, r) { var i = b("HEAD", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.query(e), r && i.end(r), i }, b.options = function (t, e, r) { var i = b("OPTIONS", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.send(e), r && i.end(r), i }, b.del = c, b.delete = c, b.patch = function (t, e, r) { var i = b("PATCH", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.send(e), r && i.end(r), i }, = function (t, e, r) { var i = b("POST", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.send(e), r && i.end(r), i }, b.put = function (t, e, r) { var i = b("PUT", t); return "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), e && i.send(e), r && i.end(r), i } }, { "./agent-base": 1, "./is-object": 2, "./request-base": 4, "./response-base": 5, "component-emitter": 7 }], 4: [function (t, e, r) { "use strict"; function i(t) { if (t) return s(t) } function s(t) { for (var e in i.prototype) t[e] = i.prototype[e]; return t } var n = t("./is-object"); e.exports = i, i.prototype.clearTimeout = function () { return clearTimeout(this._timer), clearTimeout(this._responseTimeoutTimer), delete this._timer, delete this._responseTimeoutTimer, this }, i.prototype.parse = function (t) { return this._parser = t, this }, i.prototype.responseType = function (t) { return this._responseType = t, this }, i.prototype.serialize = function (t) { return this._serializer = t, this }, i.prototype.timeout = function (t) { if (!t || "object" != typeof t) return this._timeout = t, this._responseTimeout = 0, this; for (var e in t) switch (e) { case "deadline": this._timeout = t.deadline; break; case "response": this._responseTimeout = t.response; break; default: console.warn("Unknown timeout option", e) }return this }, i.prototype.retry = function (t, e) { return 0 !== arguments.length && t !== !0 || (t = 1), t <= 0 && (t = 0), this._maxRetries = t, this._retries = 0, this._retryCallback = e, this }; var o = ["ECONNRESET", "ETIMEDOUT", "EADDRINFO", "ESOCKETTIMEDOUT"]; i.prototype._shouldRetry = function (t, e) { if (!this._maxRetries || this._retries++ >= this._maxRetries) return !1; if (this._retryCallback) try { var r = this._retryCallback(t, e); if (r === !0) return !0; if (r === !1) return !1 } catch (t) { console.error(t) } if (e && e.status && e.status >= 500 && 501 != e.status) return !0; if (t) { if (t.code && ~o.indexOf(t.code)) return !0; if (t.timeout && "ECONNABORTED" == t.code) return !0; if (t.crossDomain) return !0 } return !1 }, i.prototype._retry = function () { return this.clearTimeout(), this.req && (this.req = null, this.req = this.request()), this._aborted = !1, this.timedout = !1, this._end() }, i.prototype.then = function (t, e) { if (!this._fullfilledPromise) { var r = this; this._endCalled && console.warn("Warning: superagent request was sent twice, because both .end() and .then() were called. Never call .end() if you use promises"), this._fullfilledPromise = new Promise(function (t, e) { r.end(function (r, i) { r ? e(r) : t(i) }) }) } return this._fullfilledPromise.then(t, e) }, i.prototype.catch = function (t) { return this.then(void 0, t) }, i.prototype.use = function (t) { return t(this), this }, i.prototype.ok = function (t) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw Error("Callback required"); return this._okCallback = t, this }, i.prototype._isResponseOK = function (t) { return !!t && (this._okCallback ? this._okCallback(t) : t.status >= 200 && t.status < 300) }, i.prototype.get = function (t) { return this._header[t.toLowerCase()] }, i.prototype.getHeader = i.prototype.get, i.prototype.set = function (t, e) { if (n(t)) { for (var r in t) this.set(r, t[r]); return this } return this._header[t.toLowerCase()] = e, this.header[t] = e, this }, i.prototype.unset = function (t) { return delete this._header[t.toLowerCase()], delete this.header[t], this }, i.prototype.field = function (t, e) { if (null === t || void 0 === t) throw new Error(".field(name, val) name can not be empty"); if (this._data && console.error(".field() can't be used if .send() is used. Please use only .send() or only .field() & .attach()"), n(t)) { for (var r in t) this.field(r, t[r]); return this } if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var i in e) this.field(t, e[i]); return this } if (null === e || void 0 === e) throw new Error(".field(name, val) val can not be empty"); return "boolean" == typeof e && (e = "" + e), this._getFormData().append(t, e), this }, i.prototype.abort = function () { return this._aborted ? this : (this._aborted = !0, this.xhr && this.xhr.abort(), this.req && this.req.abort(), this.clearTimeout(), this.emit("abort"), this) }, i.prototype._auth = function (t, e, r, i) { switch (r.type) { case "basic": this.set("Authorization", "Basic " + i(t + ":" + e)); break; case "auto": this.username = t, this.password = e; break; case "bearer": this.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + t) }return this }, i.prototype.withCredentials = function (t) { return void 0 == t && (t = !0), this._withCredentials = t, this }, i.prototype.redirects = function (t) { return this._maxRedirects = t, this }, i.prototype.maxResponseSize = function (t) { if ("number" != typeof t) throw TypeError("Invalid argument"); return this._maxResponseSize = t, this }, i.prototype.toJSON = function () { return { method: this.method, url: this.url, data: this._data, headers: this._header } }, i.prototype.send = function (t) { var e = n(t), r = this._header["content-type"]; if (this._formData && console.error(".send() can't be used if .attach() or .field() is used. Please use only .send() or only .field() & .attach()"), e && !this._data) Array.isArray(t) ? this._data = [] : this._isHost(t) || (this._data = {}); else if (t && this._data && this._isHost(this._data)) throw Error("Can't merge these send calls"); if (e && n(this._data)) for (var i in t) this._data[i] = t[i]; else "string" == typeof t ? (r || this.type("form"), r = this._header["content-type"], "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" == r ? this._data = this._data ? this._data + "&" + t : t : this._data = (this._data || "") + t) : this._data = t; return !e || this._isHost(t) ? this : (r || this.type("json"), this) }, i.prototype.sortQuery = function (t) { return this._sort = "undefined" == typeof t || t, this }, i.prototype._finalizeQueryString = function () { var t = this._query.join("&"); if (t && (this.url += (this.url.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?") + t), this._query.length = 0, this._sort) { var e = this.url.indexOf("?"); if (e >= 0) { var r = this.url.substring(e + 1).split("&"); "function" == typeof this._sort ? r.sort(this._sort) : r.sort(), this.url = this.url.substring(0, e) + "?" + r.join("&") } } }, i.prototype._appendQueryString = function () { console.trace("Unsupported") }, i.prototype._timeoutError = function (t, e, r) { if (!this._aborted) { var i = new Error(t + e + "ms exceeded"); i.timeout = e, i.code = "ECONNABORTED", i.errno = r, this.timedout = !0, this.abort(), this.callback(i) } }, i.prototype._setTimeouts = function () { var t = this; this._timeout && !this._timer && (this._timer = setTimeout(function () { t._timeoutError("Timeout of ", t._timeout, "ETIME") }, this._timeout)), this._responseTimeout && !this._responseTimeoutTimer && (this._responseTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () { t._timeoutError("Response timeout of ", t._responseTimeout, "ETIMEDOUT") }, this._responseTimeout)) } }, { "./is-object": 2 }], 5: [function (t, e, r) { "use strict"; function i(t) { if (t) return s(t) } function s(t) { for (var e in i.prototype) t[e] = i.prototype[e]; return t } var n = t("./utils"); e.exports = i, i.prototype.get = function (t) { return this.header[t.toLowerCase()] }, i.prototype._setHeaderProperties = function (t) { var e = t["content-type"] || ""; this.type = n.type(e); var r = n.params(e); for (var i in r) this[i] = r[i]; this.links = {}; try { && (this.links = n.parseLinks( } catch (t) { } }, i.prototype._setStatusProperties = function (t) { var e = t / 100 | 0; this.status = this.statusCode = t, this.statusType = e, = 1 == e, this.ok = 2 == e, this.redirect = 3 == e, this.clientError = 4 == e, this.serverError = 5 == e, this.error = (4 == e || 5 == e) && this.toError(), this.created = 201 == t, this.accepted = 202 == t, this.noContent = 204 == t, this.badRequest = 400 == t, this.unauthorized = 401 == t, this.notAcceptable = 406 == t, this.forbidden = 403 == t, this.notFound = 404 == t, this.unprocessableEntity = 422 == t } }, { "./utils": 6 }], 6: [function (t, e, r) { "use strict"; r.type = function (t) { return t.split(/ *; */).shift() }, r.params = function (t) { return t.split(/ *; */).reduce(function (t, e) { var r = e.split(/ *= */), i = r.shift(), s = r.shift(); return i && s && (t[i] = s), t }, {}) }, r.parseLinks = function (t) { return t.split(/ *, */).reduce(function (t, e) { var r = e.split(/ *; */), i = r[0].slice(1, -1), s = r[1].split(/ *= */)[1].slice(1, -1); return t[s] = i, t }, {}) }, r.cleanHeader = function (t, e) { return delete t["content-type"], delete t["content-length"], delete t["transfer-encoding"], delete, e && (delete t.authorization, delete t.cookie), t } }, {}], 7: [function (t, e, r) { function i(t) { if (t) return s(t) } function s(t) { for (var e in i.prototype) t[e] = i.prototype[e]; return t } "undefined" != typeof e && (e.exports = i), i.prototype.on = i.prototype.addEventListener = function (t, e) { return this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, (this._callbacks["$" + t] = this._callbacks["$" + t] || []).push(e), this }, i.prototype.once = function (t, e) { function r() {, r), e.apply(this, arguments) } return r.fn = e, this.on(t, r), this }, = i.prototype.removeListener = i.prototype.removeAllListeners = i.prototype.removeEventListener = function (t, e) { if (this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, 0 == arguments.length) return this._callbacks = {}, this; var r = this._callbacks["$" + t]; if (!r) return this; if (1 == arguments.length) return delete this._callbacks["$" + t], this; for (var i, s = 0; s < r.length; s++)if (i = r[s], i === e || i.fn === e) { r.splice(s, 1); break } return this }, i.prototype.emit = function (t) { this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; var e = [], 1), r = this._callbacks["$" + t]; if (r) { r = r.slice(0); for (var i = 0, s = r.length; i < s; ++i)r[i].apply(this, e) } return this }, i.prototype.listeners = function (t) { return this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, this._callbacks["$" + t] || [] }, i.prototype.hasListeners = function (t) { return !!this.listeners(t).length } }, {}] }, {}, [3])(3) });