Tuis Time Table System ( HTML and Js with Bootstrap)
- module
- module_xxx and some files.
- module_display insert Promotion/Information (Abolish)
- module_insert insertHTML via Javascript
- module_loopscript 1secLoopFunc. and 10secLoopFunc.
- module_setTime define real time every second.
- module_time define COUNT DOWN time and info-color-code.
- module_table getCSVtable and export aryTable.
- module_stpoint search aryTable now-time column.
- module_startup startupscript
- others
- NetTime.js get NTP Time with json from NICT.
- Texts.js Promotion Information Text (Abolish)
- define japanese holiday and check holiday.
- superagent.js Using Super Agent(XML Http Request Over Rap)
contact-me: j17273