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Added first non-working framework for rarefied flow
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DominicDirkx committed Feb 7, 2024
1 parent 7e1b927 commit 86e6bcb
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Showing 3 changed files with 368 additions and 2 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class AerodynamicCoefficientGenerator: public AerodynamicCoefficientInterface
// Create interpolator for coefficients.
coefficientInterpolator_ =
std::make_shared< interpolators::MultiLinearInterpolator< double,
Eigen::Vector6d, 3 > >
Eigen::Vector6d, NumberOfIndependentVariables > >
( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_, aerodynamicCoefficients_ );

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@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2010-2019, Delft University of Technology
* All rigths reserved
* This file is part of the Tudat. Redistribution and use in source and
* binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted exclusively
* under the terms of the Modified BSD license. You should have received
* a copy of the license with this file. If not, please or visit:
* References


#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/array.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
#include <memory>

#include <Eigen/Core>

#include "tudat/astro/aerodynamics/aerodynamicCoefficientGenerator.h"
#include "tudat/basics/basicTypedefs.h"
#include "tudat/astro/system_models/vehicleExteriorPanels.h"

namespace tudat
namespace aerodynamics

template< unsigned int NumberOfIndependentVariables >
class RarefiedFlowAerodynamicCoefficientGenerator: public AerodynamicCoefficientGenerator< NumberOfIndependentVariables, 6 >

const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< system_models::VehicleExteriorPanel > > vehiclePanels,
const std::map< AerodynamicCoefficientsIndependentVariables, std::vector< double > >& dataPointsOfIndependentVariables,
const double referenceArea,
const double referenceLength,
const Eigen::Vector3d& momentReferencePoint,
const bool savePressureCoefficients = false ) : AerodynamicCoefficientGenerator< NumberOfIndependentVariables, 6 >(
dataPointsOfIndependentVariables, referenceLength, referenceArea,
momentReferencePoint, utilities::createVectorFromMapKeys( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables ),
positive_aerodynamic_frame_coefficients, positive_aerodynamic_frame_coefficients ),
vehiclePanels_( vehiclePanels ), dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_( utilities::createVectorFromMapValues( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables ) ),
angleOfAttackIndex_( -1 ), sideslipAngleIndex_( -1 )
if( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.count( angle_of_attack_dependent ) > 0 )
angleOfAttackIndex_ = std::distance( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.begin( ),
std::find(dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.begin(), dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.end(), angle_of_attack_dependent ) );

if( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.count( angle_of_sideslip_dependent ) > 0 )
sideslipAngleIndex_ = std::distance( dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.begin( ),
std::find(dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.begin(), dataPointsOfIndependentVariables.end(), angle_of_attack_dependent ) );

// Allocate memory for panel inclinations and currentPressureCoefficients_.
currentPanelInclinations_.resize( vehiclePanels_.size( ) );
currentPressureCoefficients_.resize( vehiclePanels_.size( ) );

for( int i = 0; i < NumberOfIndependentVariables; i++ )
numberOfPointsPerIndependentVariables_[ i ] =
dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_[ i ].size( );

isCoefficientGenerated_.resize( numberOfPointsPerIndependentVariables_ );

std::fill( isCoefficientGenerated_.origin( ),
isCoefficientGenerated_.origin( ) + isCoefficientGenerated_.num_elements( ), 0 );

generateCoefficients( );
this->createInterpolator( );

//! Default destructor.
* Default destructor.
~RarefiedFlowAerodynamicCoefficientGenerator( ) { }

//! Get aerodynamic coefficients.
* Returns aerodynamic coefficients.
* The physical meaning of each of the three independent variables is: 0 = mach number,
* 1 = angle of attack, 2 = angle of sideslip.
* \param independentVariables Array of values of independent variable
* indices in dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_.
* \return vector of coefficients at specified independent variable indices.
Eigen::Vector6d getAerodynamicCoefficientsDataPoint(
const boost::array< int, NumberOfIndependentVariables > independentVariables )
if( isCoefficientGenerated_( independentVariables ) == 0 )
determineVehicleCoefficients( independentVariables );

// Return requested coefficients.
return aerodynamicCoefficients_( independentVariables );

//! Determine inclination angles of panels on a given part.
* Determines panel inclinations for all panels on all parts for given attitude.
* Outward pointing surface-normals are assumed!
* \param angleOfAttack Angle of attack at which to determine inclination angles.
* \param angleOfSideslip Angle of sideslip at which to determine inclination angles.
void determineInclinations( const double angleOfAttack,
const double angleOfSideslip )

// Declare free-stream velocity vector.
Eigen::Vector3d freestreamVelocityDirection;

// Set freestream velocity vector in body frame.
double freestreamVelocityDirectionX = std::cos( angleOfAttack )* std::cos( angleOfSideslip );
double freestreamVelocityDirectionY = std::sin( angleOfSideslip );
double freestreamVelocityDirectionZ = std::sin( angleOfAttack ) * std::cos( angleOfSideslip );
freestreamVelocityDirection( 0 ) = freestreamVelocityDirectionX;
freestreamVelocityDirection( 1 ) = freestreamVelocityDirectionY;
freestreamVelocityDirection( 2 ) = freestreamVelocityDirectionZ;

// Declare cosine of inclination angle.
double cosineOfInclination;

// Loop over all panels of given vehicle part and set inclination angles.
for( unsigned int k = 0; k < vehiclePanels_.size( ); k++ )
cosineOfInclination = vehiclePanels_[ k ]->getFrameFixedSurfaceNormal( )( ).dot( freestreamVelocityDirection );
// Set inclination angle.
currentPanelInclinations_[ k ] = mathematical_constants::PI / 2.0 - std::acos( cosineOfInclination );


std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< double > > > getPressureCoefficientList(
const boost::array< int, 3 > independentVariables )
return independentVariables );

void clearData( )
currentPanelInclinations_.clear( );
currentPressureCoefficients_.clear( );
previouslyComputedInclinations_.clear( );
this->clearBaseData( );


void generateCoefficients( )
// Allocate variable to pass to coefficient determination for independent
// variable indices.
boost::array<int, NumberOfIndependentVariables> independentVariableIndices;
for( int i = 0; i < NumberOfIndependentVariables; i++ )
independentVariableIndices[ i ] = 0;

iterateOverAllIndependentVariables( independentVariableIndices );

void iterateOverAllIndependentVariables( boost::array< int, NumberOfIndependentVariables >& independentVariableIndices)
TODO write recursive for loop over variable dimension
determineVehicleCoefficients( independentVariableIndices );

//! Generate aerodynamic coefficients at a single set of independent variables.
* Generates aerodynamic coefficients at a single set of independent variables.
* Determines values and sets corresponding entry in vehicleCoefficients_ array.
* \param independentVariableIndices Array of indices from lists of Mach number,
* angle of attack and angle of sideslip points at which to perform analysis.
void determineVehicleCoefficients( const boost::array< int, NumberOfIndependentVariables >& independentVariableIndices )
// Declare coefficients vector and initialize to zeros.
Eigen::Vector6d coefficients = Eigen::Vector6d::Zero( );

// Loop over all vehicle parts, calculate aerodynamic coefficients and add
// to aerodynamicCoefficients_.
double angleOfAttack = 0.0;
if( angleOfAttackIndex_ >= 0 )
angleOfAttack =
dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_[ angleOfAttackIndex_ ][ independentVariableIndices[ angleOfAttackIndex_ ]];

double angleOfSideslip = 0.0;
if( sideslipAngleIndex_ >= 0 )
dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_[ sideslipAngleIndex_ ][ independentVariableIndices[ sideslipAngleIndex_ ]];

// Check whether the inclinations of the vehicle part have already been computed.
if ( previouslyComputedInclinations_.count( std::make_pair( angleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip ) ) == 0 )
// Determine panel inclinations for part.
determineInclinations( angleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip );

// Add panel inclinations to container
previouslyComputedInclinations_[ std::pair< double, double >(
angleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip ) ] = currentPanelInclinations_;

// Fetch inclinations from container
currentPanelInclinations_ = previouslyComputedInclinations_[ std::make_pair(
angleOfAttack, angleOfSideslip ) ];

// Set currentPressureCoefficients_ array for given independent variables.
determinePressureCoefficients( independentVariableIndices );

// Calculate force coefficients from pressure coefficients.
coefficients.segment( 0, 3 ) = calculateForceCoefficients( );

// Calculate moment coefficients from pressure coefficients.
coefficients.segment( 3, 3 ) = calculateMomentCoefficients( );

if( savePressureCoefficients_ )
pressureCoefficientList_[ independentVariableIndices ] = currentPressureCoefficients_;

this->aerodynamicCoefficients_( independentVariableIndices ) = coefficients;
isCoefficientGenerated_( independentVariableIndices ) = true;

//! Determine pressure coefficients on a given part.
* Determines pressure coefficients on a single vehicle part.
* Calls the updateExpansionPressures and updateCompressionPressures for given vehicle part.
* \param partNumber Index from vehicleParts_ array for which to determine coefficients.
* \param independentVariableIndices Array of indices of independent variables.
void determinePressureCoefficients( const boost::array< int, NumberOfIndependentVariables >& independentVariableIndices )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < vehiclePanels_.size( ); i++ )
double currentPanelInclination = i );
currentPressureCoefficients_[ i ] = i )->computePressureCoefficient( currentPanelInclination, TODO add indendepnt variables );

//! Determine force coefficients of a part.
* Sums the pressure coefficients of given part and determines force coefficients from it by
* non-dimensionalization with reference area.
* \param partNumber Index from vehicleParts_ array for which determine coefficients.
* \return Force coefficients for requested vehicle part.
Eigen::Vector3d calculateForceCoefficients( const int partNumber )
// Declare force coefficient vector and intialize to zeros.
Eigen::Vector3d forceCoefficients = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero( );

// Loop over all panels and add pressures, scaled by panel area, to force
// coefficients.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < vehiclePanels_.size( ) ; i++ )
forceCoefficients -= i ) * i )->getPanelArea( ) * i )->getFrameFixedSurfaceNormal( )( );

// Normalize result by reference area.
forceCoefficients /= this->referenceArea_;

return forceCoefficients;

//! Determine moment coefficients of a part.
* Determines the moment coefficients of a given part by summing the contributions of all
* panels on the part. Moment arms are taken from panel centroid to momentReferencePoint. Non-
* dimensionalization is performed by product of referenceLength and referenceArea.
* \param partNumber Index from vehicleParts_ array for which to determine coefficients.
* \return Moment coefficients for requested vehicle part.
Eigen::Vector3d calculateMomentCoefficients( const int partNumber )

// Declare moment coefficient vector and intialize to zeros.
Eigen::Vector3d momentCoefficients = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero( );

// Declare moment arm for panel moment determination.
Eigen::Vector3d referenceDistance;

// Loop over all panels and add moments due pressures.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < vehiclePanels_.size( ) ; i++ )
// Determine moment arm for given panel centroid.
referenceDistance = ( i )->getPanelCentroid( ) -
this->momentReferencePoint_ );

momentCoefficients -= i ) * i )->getPanelArea( ) *
referenceDistance.cross( i )->getFrameFixedSurfaceNormal( )( ) );

// Scale result by reference length and area.
momentCoefficients /= ( this->referenceLength_ * this->referenceArea_ );

return momentCoefficients;

//! Multi-array as which indicates which coefficients have been calculated already.
* Multi-array as which indicates which coefficients have been calculated already. Indices of
* entries coincide with indices of aerodynamicCoefficients_.
boost::multi_array< bool, NumberOfIndependentVariables > isCoefficientGenerated_;

std::vector< double > currentPanelInclinations_;

//! Map of angle of attack and -sideslip pair and associated panel inclinations.
* Map of angle of attack and -sideslip pair and associated panel inclinations.
std::map< std::pair< double, double >, std::vector< double > > previouslyComputedInclinations_;

std::vector< double > currentPressureCoefficients_;

std::map< boost::array< int, NumberOfIndependentVariables >, std::vector< double > > pressureCoefficientList_;

std::vector< std::shared_ptr< system_models::VehicleExteriorPanel > > vehiclePanels_;

std::vector< std::vector< double > > dataPointsOfIndependentVariables_;

boost::array< int, NumberOfIndependentVariables > numberOfPointsPerIndependentVariables_;

int angleOfAttackIndex_;

int sideslipAngleIndex_;

} // namespace aerodynamics
} // namespace tudat

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,6 @@ void saveVehicleMeshToFile(
// pressureCoefficientsList, filePrefix + "pressureCoefficientFile.dat", directory );

//! Default constructor.
const std::vector< std::vector< double > >& dataPointsOfIndependentVariables,
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