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tty-ui 是一款基于 vue2element 开发的前端 UI 组件库,主要用于田田云公司,快速开发 PC 网站中后台产品 演示地址

Standard - JavaScript Style

npm version


  • 基于 vue2element开发的 UI 组件
  • 使用 npm + webpack + babel 的工作流,支持 ES2015
  • 提供友好的 API,可灵活的使用组件



  • yarn
yarn add tty-ui
  • npm
npm install tty-ui -save


import ttyUI from 'tty-ui' // 引入组件库
import '../node_modules/tty-ui/packages/theme-default/lib/index.css' // 引入样式库



如果你在使用 tty-ui 时遇到问题,或者有好的建议,欢迎给我们提 IssuePull Request

Pull requests 规范

Working on your first Pull Request? You can learn how from this free series How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

All pull requests are welcome. Thanks for taking the time to contribute.

  • Create an issue about the features, such as new components.
  • Fork the repo to your own account.
  • Clone your fork.
  • Create a new branch base on dev, if you want to add new component, the branch name should be formatted as component-[Component Name]. (e.g. component-steps) And the commit info should be formatted as [Component Name]: Info about commit.
  • Make sure that running npm run prepublish outputs the correct files.
  • Rebase before creating a PR to keep commit history clear. (Merge request to branch dev)
  • Provide some description about your PR.