- Daily Stand-ups in the morning, to check in on our current progress
- Scheduled project checkins with instructors
- Have Retro scheduled for Friday evening
- Jam Board
- Sketch out and organize potential classes and methods. Giving a general structure to the project.
- Trello
- Organizing responsibilities and tasks for adding features and functionality to our project and tracking the project lifecycle.
- Initial disscusion started with deciding between Trello and Github Projects, we decided on Trello since Tommy has some experience with it and it's functionality.
- We created a Jam board to give a rough layout of the sturcture of the project and functions.
- We decided to work in pairs to add features and classes. The pairs will swap around partners so everyone has a chance to work with each member at least once.
- The pairs plan to utilize different styles of pair programming: driver-navigator, ping-pong for example.
- Designate tasks such as building classes or features for the project
- Test Driven Development: Building tests then building the classes and features to allow the tests to pass.
- We will have object classes that will act as instance objects for entries in the csv files. Then we will use parser classes that store those objects into collections that can then be iterated through to create the required methods.
- Stat_tracker will call the methods from the parser classes
- Spec_harness will be used as a test suite to check for common errors
- SimpleCov gem checks for missing tests for methods and classes
- Leaning on different peoples strengths: Each member of the team brought different strengths to the table and this was established during our initial DTR.
- Collaboration: We spent a lot of time working together to meet an end goal. All ideas were considered and many were implemented.
- Communication: Through the use of daily stand-ups and communication in person and in slack we were able to organize processes with consistent execution, bring up concerns and ideas and facilitate any changes that needed to be made based on said communication.
- Time management: looking back, we could have been more structured in how long we expected an assigned task to take and game-planned around those timelines.
- Trello: As we mentioned in our second check-in, we strayed away from Trello usage early on. We re-dedicated ourselves to utilizing Trello more frequently after that and it made the project flow more smoothly and gave us a better ability to track our progress of the project.
- Code design: We spent a few days working strictly on code design but felt like it wasn't fleshed out enough in retrospect.