Centralizes handling of mouse appearance/disappearance events in the browser.
npm: npm install --save mouse-presence
Yarn: yarn add mouse-presence
: A callback function that takes no arguments and returns nothing.
returns: A deregisterer for cb
Registers a callback to be called whenever a mouse cursor disappearance is dispatched.
: A callback function that takes no arguments and returns nothing.
returns: A deregisterer for cb
Registers a callback to be called whenever the mouse is moved after a disappearance was dispatched. (Moving the mouse after the cursor disappeared will cause it to reappear.)
: The callback reference to be unregistered.
returns: Nothing.
Unregisters a previously-registered callback from either onDisappear or onAppear (or both). If no such callback is found, nothing happens.
returns: Nothing.
Dispatches a mouse disappearance event, which will call all registered onDisappear callbacks (will only do this once - subsequent calls will have no effect until the next onAppear event occurs). It will also register a one-time mousemove listener on the document, which when triggered, will call all registered onAppear callbacks.
returns: Boolean indicating whether the mouse cursor is present.
Determine if the mouse cursor is present or not (according to the last reported appearance/disappearance event).
: The HTMLElement for which the keydown listener should be added to.
returns: A deregisterer for the keydown listener that will be added.
Adds a keydown listener to the provided HTMLElement, which will trigger a dispatchDisappear call when triggered (since typing will cause the mouse cursor to disappear). This is a convenience function for any text-based input elements, to be used instead of explicitly attaching a listener and calling dispatchDisappear yourself.
Component A:
import MousePresence from 'mouse-presence';
// Gets called on every onDisappear event
MousePresence.onDisappear(() => {
// Take actions...
// Gets called on every onAppear event
MousePresence.onAppear(() => {
// Take actions...
Component B:
import MousePresence from 'mouse-presence';
// Only gets called for one onDisappear event, then unregisters itself
let disappearCb = MousePresence.onDisappear(() => {
Component C:
import MousePresence from 'mouse-presence';
// Mouse cursor disappears when typing
this.element.addEventListener('keydown', () => {
// Will immediately dispatch onDisappear
// Will automatically attach a mousemove listener, upon which onAppear will be dispatched
// Will not redispatch onDisappear until the onAppear event occurs