AWS recently launched the Amazon Rekognition Face Liveness feature. This new feature helps deter fraud in facial verification.
With AWS Amplify you could easily plug Face liveness detection on your Android/IOS/Browser. It currently supports the below frameworks:
This solution allows you to integrate Amazon Rekognition face liveness with your existing Angular Application. It uses the FaceLivenessDetector component from React and wraps it as an Angular Component.
FaceLivenessDetector component is responsible from starting the liveness session. Once the results are ready it notifies us via callback functions.
To run the project, we need to have Node js 16 and angular cli installed.
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
amplify configure
- Clone this project
git clone <TODO add path>
- Open a new terminal. From the root of the project, run:
amplify init
- Install Project dependencies. Fire the below command in a terminal from the root of your project foler
npm install
- Add Cognito Authentication. Fire the below command in a terminal from the root of your project folder
amplify add auth
- Push your changes
amplify push
Verify if aws-exports.ts file has all the Auth details. We reference properties from this file when generating creadentials to communicate with Amazon Rekognition.
Update IAM permissions. Search for IAM role of type 'amplify-{your-app-name}-{environment}-{random-number}-authRole' generated by amplify and add the below inline policy that supports liveness detection features
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "rekognition:StartFaceLivenessSession",
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "rekognition:CreateFaceLivenessSession",
"Resource": "*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "rekognition:GetFaceLivenessSessionResults",
"Resource": "*"
- To run on local machine
ng serve
- To view the hosted application on Amplify
amplify console