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Example data sets

TRENTOOL edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 11 revisions

We provide some example analysis scripts for the use of trentool with simulated as well as MEG data sets. You can download the example data folder here. The folder contains:

  • simulated data from two coupled Lorenz systems (folder 'Lorenz_2_systems')
  • simulated data from three coupled Lorenz systems (folder 'Lorenz_3_systems')
  • MEG data from three subjects performing a face detection task described in Gruetzner (2010) (folder 'Mooney')
  • simulated data from a sine wave coupled to an autoregressive process of order two (folder 'No_info')

Every folder contains one or several data sets (.mat-files) together with an analysis script ('analyze_.m'), a plotting script ('plot_.m'), and a simulation script ('simulate_*.m') if applicable. More information on individual data sets can be found in the MATLAB help of individual analysis scripts.

To run an example script, download the exampledata folder, the current version of TRENTOOL3 and FieldTrip. Extract the downloaded zip-files to your home folder. Execute the following code:

addpath('~/TRENTOOL3-master/')  % add TRENTOOL to your MATLAB path
addpath('~/fieldtrip-20150205/');  % add FieldTrip to your MATLAB path

cd('~/TRENTOOL-exampledata/Lorenz_2_systems');  % navigate to the Lorenz example data set
myOutputpath = '~/TRENTOOL_results/';  % define an output path for analysis results
analyze_lorenz_2_systems_CPU(myOutputpath);  % run the analysis
plot_lorenz_2_systems_CPU(myOutputpath);  % plot analysis results

The example scripts will throw an error if the provided output path does not exist.