My experimentation with the Adafruit Bluefruit Microcontroller.
The product used is the Circuit Playground Bluefruit - Bluetooth Low Energy (Adafruit Item No. 4333)
These are some minor test scripts that utilzed using CircuitPython
Please feel free to copy and use as you wish.
This program is a keyboard shortcut program that I written to utilize in Zoom and Google Meets. These programs have a audio and video mute button related to their buttons on the Bluefruit.
These keystrokes given are for a Mac. You will need to modify your code to match for Windows or Linux. Note: Zoom & Google Meet can change the keystrokes at anytime. You have been warned!
This is an expiramental program that I was testing a theory for future code.
Depending on the orientation of the Bluefruit, it would display red or blue neopixels on Bluefruit.
Idea is for task management. Going to be ordering some new stuff to display status of something and then flip/change orientation of the device to change the printed message on screen.