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Serverless Log

This is some experimental tooling which allows for the maintenance and querying of a log represented by tiles & files. These tools are built upon components from the transparency-dev repos (e.g. compact ranges from the merkle repo), but do not use the Trillian Log service.

The idea is to make logging infrastructure which is a bit more *nix like, and demonstrate how to use those tools in conjunction with GitHub actions, GCP Cloud Functions, AWS Lambda, etc. to deploy and maintain "serverless" transparency logs.

The on-disk structure of the log is well defined, and can directly be made public via HTTP[S]. Clients wishing to be convinced of consistency/inclusion are responsible for constructing the proofs themselves by fetching the tiles containing the required nodes.

It's important to note that this serverless log tooling is not meant to compete with Trillian, but complement it by providing a lower cost, lower complexity option for use-cases where Trillian's write-throughput scalability is not a requirement.

Command-line tools usage

A few tools are provided for manipulating the on-disk log state:

  • sequence this assigns sequence numbers to new entries
  • integrate this integrates any as-yet un-integrated sequence numbers into the log state
  • client this provides log proof verification
  • generate_keys creates the public/private key pair for signing and validating the log checkpoints

Examples of how to use the tools are given below, they assume that a ${LOG_DIR} environment variable has been set to the desired path and directory name which should contain the log state files, e.g.:

export LOG_DIR="/tmp/mylog"
export LOG_ORIGIN="My Log"

sequence and client require the log public key to be provided.

This is supplied by providing the path to the key file using --public_key or by setting the SERVERLESS_LOG_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable

integrate requires the log public and private keys to be provided.

These are supplied by providing the path to the key files using --public_key and --private_key or by setting the SERVERLESS_LOG_PUBLIC_KEY and SERVERLESS_LOG_PRIVATE_KEY environment variables.

Generating keys

To create a new private key pair, use the generate_keys command with --key_name, a name for the signing entity. You can output the public and private keys to files using --out_pub path and filename for the public key, --out_priv path and filename for the private key and stdout, private key, then public key, over 2 lines, using --print

go run ./cmd/generate_keys --key_name=astra --out_priv=key

Creating a new log

To create a new log state directory, use the integrate command with the --initialise flag, and either passing key files or with environment variables set:

go run ./cmd/integrate --initialise --storage_dir="${LOG_DIR}" --logtostderr --private_key=key --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}"

Sequencing entries into a log

To add the contents of some files to a log, use the sequence command with the --entries flag set to a filename glob of files to add and either passing the public key file or with the environment variable set:

$ go run ./cmd/sequence --storage_dir="${LOG_DIR}" --entries '*.md' --logtostderr --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}"
I0413 16:54:52.708433 4154632 main.go:97] 0:
I0413 16:54:52.709114 4154632 main.go:97] 1:

The tool prints out the names of added files, along with their assigned sequence number(s) - above, the contents of was assigned to sequence number 0.

Attempting to re-sequence the same file contents will result in the sequence tool telling you that you're trying to add duplicate entries, along with their originally assigned sequence numbers:

$ go run ./cmd/sequence --storage_dir="${LOG_DIR}" --entries 'C*' --logtostderr --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}"
I0413 16:58:08.956402 4155499 main.go:97] 0: (dupe)
I0413 16:58:08.956938 4155499 main.go:97] 2: CONTRIBUTORS

Here we see that the contents of already exists in the log at sequence number 0, but the contents CONTRIBUTORS did not and was assigned a sequence number of 2.

Note that duplicate suppression is not guaranteed - there are corner cases where a crash of the sequence tool could result in a duplicate entry being added, so it's best not to rely on uniqueness and instead consider it a best-effort anti-spam mitigation.

Integrating sequenced entries

Although the entries we've added above are now assigned positions in the log, we still need to update the proof structure state to integrate these new entries. We use the integrate tool for that, again either passing key files or with the environment variables set:

$ go run ./cmd/integrate --storage_dir="${LOG_DIR}" --logtostderr --private_key=key --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}"
I0413 17:03:19.239293 4156550 integrate.go:74] Loaded state with roothash
I0413 17:03:19.239468 4156550 integrate.go:113] New log state: size 0x3 hash: 615a21da1739d901be4b1b44aed9cfcfdc044d18842f554a381bba4bff687aff

This output says that the integration was successful, and we now have a new log tree state which contains 0x03 entries, and has the printed log root hash.

Unless further entries are sequenced as above, re-running the integrate command will have no effect:

$ go run ./cmd/integrate --storage_dir="${LOG_DIR}" --logtostderr --private_key=key --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}"
I0413 17:05:10.040900 4156921 integrate.go:74] Loaded state with roothash 615a21da1739d901be4b1b44aed9cfcfdc044d18842f554a381bba4bff687aff
I0413 17:05:10.040976 4156921 integrate.go:94] Nothing to do.


There is a simple client-side tool for querying the log, currently it supports the following functionality:

Inclusion proof verification

We can verify the inclusion of a given leaf in the tree with the client inclusion command:

$ go run ./cmd/client/ --logtostderr --log_url="file:///${LOG_DIR}/" --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}" inclusion ./
I0413 17:09:48.335324 4158369 client.go:99] Leaf "./" found at index 0
I0413 17:09:48.335468 4158369 client.go:119] Inclusion verified in tree size 3, with root 0x615a21da1739d901be4b1b44aed9cfcfdc044d18842f554a381bba4bff687aff

As expected, requesting an inclusion proof for something not in the log will fail:

$ go run ./cmd/client/ --logtostderr --log_url="file:///${LOG_DIR}/" --origin="${LOG_ORIGIN}" inclusion ./go.mod
F0413 17:13:04.148676 4158991 client.go:72] Command "inclusion" failed: "failed to lookup leaf index: leafhash unknown (open /${LOG_DIR}/leaves/67/48/64/2df7219529a9f2303e8668d60b70a6d7600f22e22fc612c26bd3c399ef: no such file or directory)"
exit status 1

Note that the --log_url parameter is a URL, it understands file:// URLs for local filesystem access, but also works with http[s]:// URLs too - so you can directly serve the filesystem contents in ${LOG_DIR} via HTTP[S] and point the client at that server instead and it should work just fine.


$ busybox httpd -f -p 8000 -h ${LOG_DIR}

and in another terminal:

$ go run ./cmd/client/ --logtostderr --log_url=http://localhost:8000 --origin=${LOG_ORIGIN}" inclusion ./
I0413 17:25:05.799998 4163606 client.go:99] Leaf "./" found at index 0
I0413 17:25:05.801354 4163606 client.go:119] Inclusion verified in tree size 3, with root 0x615a21da1739d901be4b1b44aed9cfcfdc044d18842f554a381bba4bff687aff

Hosting serverless logs

In many cases we'd like to outsource the job of hosting our log to a third party. There are many possibile ways to do this, one is to use GitHub as both a public storage provider for serving the log state, and as hosting the process of updating the log state.

For more details, including example GitHub Action configs, see here.



  • Document structure, design, etc.
  • Integration test.
  • Update client to be able to read tree data from the filesystem via HTTP.
  • Implement & document GitHub actions components.
  • Support for squashing dupes.
  • Maybe add configs/examples/docs for Cloud Functions, etc. too.