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A command line interface for programmatically creating data silos on

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To stay up to date on breaking changes to the cli between major version updates, please refer to


A command line interface that allows you to define your Data Map in code and sync that configuration back to


This package is distributed through npm and github package registries and assumes an installation of npm and node.

If your codebase is typescript or javascript based, you can add this package as a dev dependency:

# install locally with yarn
yarn add -D @transcend-io/cli

# cli commands available within package
yarn tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-scan-packages --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-discover-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-request-reject-unverified-identifiers --auth-$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-mark-request-data-silos-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-skip-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-retry-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-consent-managers-to-business-entities
yarn tr-consent-manager-service-json-to-yml
yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows-cross-instance --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-upload-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-upload-cookies-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-generate-api-keys --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY


# install locally with npm
npm i -D @transcend-io/cli

# cli commands available within package
tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-scan-packages --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-discover-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-request-reject-unverified-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-mark-request-data-silos-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-skip-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-retry-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-upload-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows-cross-instance --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-generate-api-keys --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

alternatively, you can install the cli globally on your machine:

# install locally with npm
npm i -g @transcend-io/cli

# cli commands available everywhere on machine
tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY


The cli-commands default to using the EU Transcend backend. To use these commands with the US backend, you will need to use the flag --transcendUrl= You can also set the environment variable TRANSCEND_API_URL=


Within your git repositories, you can define a file transcend.yml. This file allows you define part of your Data Map in code. Using the cli, you can sync that configuration back to the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

You can find various examples for your transcend.yml file in the examples/ folder. If you are looking for a starting point to copy and paste, simple.yml is a good place to start. This file is annotated with links and documentations that new members of your team can use if they come across the file.

The API for this YAML file can be found in ./src/codecs.ts under the variable named "TranscendInput". The shape of the YAML file will be type-checked every time a command is run.

By default, your editor or IDE should recognize transcend.yml and validate it against our published JSON schema. This is dependent on whether your editor uses yaml-language-server, such as through the VS Code YAML extension.

The structure of transcend.yml looks something like the following:

# Manage at:
# See
# Define API keys that may be shared across data silos
# in the data map. When creating new data silos through the YAML
# cli, it is possible to specify which API key should be associated
# with the newly created data silo.
  - title: Webhook Key
  - title: Analytics Key

# Manage at:
# See
# Define enricher or pre-flight check webhooks that will be executed
# prior to privacy request workflows. Some examples may include:
#   - identity enrichment: look up additional identifiers for that user.
#                          i.e. map an email address to a user ID
#   - fraud check: auto-cancel requests if the user is flagged for fraudulent behavior
#   - customer check: auto-cancel request for some custom business criteria
  - title: Basic Identity Enrichment
    description: Enrich an email address to the userId and phone number
    input-identifier: email
      - userId
      - phone
      - myUniqueIdentifier
  - title: Fraud Check
    description: Ensure the email address is not marked as fraudulent
    input-identifier: email
      - email
      - ERASURE

# Manage at:
# See
# Define the data silos in your data map. A data silo can be a database,
# or a web service that may use a collection of different data stores under the hood.
  # Note: title is the only required top-level field for a data silo
  - title: Redshift Data Warehouse
    description: The mega-warehouse that contains a copy over all SQL backed databases
    integrationName: server
    api-key-title: Webhook Key
      - customer
      - employee
      - newsletter-subscriber
      - b2b-contact
      - email
      - userId
      - Identity Service
      - [email protected]
      - title: Webhook Notification
        key: _global
          - ACCESS
          - ERASURE
          - SALE_OPT_OUT
      - title: User Model
        description: The centralized user model user
        key: users
          - ACCESS
          - key: firstName
            title: First Name
            description: The first name of the user, inputted during onboarding
          - key: email
            title: Email
            description: The email address of the user



Generate's a transcend.yml by pulling the configuration from your connected services view (

This command can be helpful if you are looking to:

  • Copy parts of your Data Map from one Transcend instance into another instance
  • Generate a transcend.yml file as a starting point to maintain parts of your Data Map in code


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key permissions for this command vary based on the value to the resources argument. See the table below to understand the necessary permissions for the resources you are attempting to pull.

Key Description Scope Is Default Link
apiKeys API Key definitions assigned to Data Silos. API keys cannot be created through the cli, but you can map API key usage to Data Silos. View API Keys true Developer Tools -> API keys
actionItems Onboarding related action items Read only false Action Items
actionItemCollections Onboarding related action item group names Read only false Action Items
templates Email templates. Only template titles can be created and mapped to other resources. View Email Templates true DSR Automation -> Email Templates
dataSilos The Data Silo/Integration definitions. View Data Map,View Data Subject Request Settings true Data Inventory -> Data Silos and Infrastucture -> Integrations
enrichers The Privacy Request enricher configurations. View Identity Verification Settings true DSR Automation -> Identifiers
teams Team definitions of users and scope groupings View Scopes false Administration -> Teams
businessEntities The business entities in the data inventory. View Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Business Entities
identifiers The Privacy Request identifier configurations. View Identity Verification Settings false DSR Automation -> Identifiers
actions The Privacy Request action settings. View Data Subject Request Settings false DSR Automation -> Request Settings
dataSubjects The Privacy Request data subject settings. View Data Subject Request Settings false DSR Automation -> Request Settings
vendors The vendors in the data inventory. View Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Vendors
dataCategories The data categories in the data inventory. View Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Data Categories
processingPurposes The processing purposes in the data inventory. View Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Processing Purposes
customFields Custom field definitions that define extra metadata for each table in the Admin Dashboard. View Global Attributes false Custom Fields
dataFlows Consent Manager Data Flow definitions. View Data Flows false Consent Management -> Data Flows
cookies Consent Manager Cookie definitions. View Data Flows false Consent Management -> Cookies
consentManager Consent Manager general settings, including domain list. View Consent Manager false Consent Management -> Developer Settings
partitions The partitions in the account (often representative of separate data controllers). View Consent Manager false Consent Management -> Developer Settings -> Advanced Settings
prompts The Transcend AI prompts View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Browse
promptPartials The Transcend AI prompt partials View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Partials
promptGroups The Transcend AI prompt groups View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Groups
agents The agents in the prompt manager. View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Agents
agentFunctions The agent functions in the prompt manager. View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Agent Functions
agentFiles The agent files in the prompt manager. View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Agent Files
privacyCenters The privacy center configurations. View Privacy Center false Privacy Center
policies The privacy center policies. View Policies false Privacy Center -> Policies
messages Message definitions used across consent, privacy center, email templates and more. View Internationalization Messages false Privacy Center -> Messages, Consent Management -> Display Settings -> Messages

Note: The scopes for tr-push are comprehensive of the scopes for tr-pull


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string (API key or path to tr-generate-api-keys JSON output) N/A true
resources The different resource types to pull in (see table above for breakdown of each resource) string apiKeys,templates,dataSilos,enrichers false
file Path to the YAML file to pull into string - file-path ./transcend.yml false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
dataSiloIds The UUIDs of the data silos that should be pulled into the YAML file. list(string - UUID) N/A false
integrationNames The types of integrations to pull down string[] N/A false
trackerStatuses The statuses of consent manager trackers to pull down. (Triage, Approved or both) ConsentTrackerStatus[] LIVE,NEEDS_REVIEW false
pageSize The page size to use when paginating over the API number 50 false
skipDatapoints When true, skip pulling in datapoints alongside data silo resource boolean false false
skipSubDatapoints When true, skip pulling in subDatapoints alongside data silo resource boolean false false
includeGuessedCategories When true, included guessed data categories that came from the content classifier boolean false false
debug Set to true to include debug logs while pulling the configuration boolean false false


# Writes out file to ./transcend.yml
tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

An alternative file destination can be specified:

# Writes out file to ./custom/location.yml
tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=./custom/location.yml

Or a specific data silo(s) can be pulled in:

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY ---dataSiloIds=710fec3c-7bcc-4c9e-baff-bf39f9bec43e

Or a specific types of data silo(s) can be pulled in:

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --integrationNames=salesforce,snowflake

Specifying the resource types to pull in (the following resources are the default resources):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=apiKeys,templates,dataSilos,enrichers

Pull in data flow and cookie resources, filtering for specific tracker statuses (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataFlows,cookies --trackerStatuses=NEEDS_REVIEW,LIVE

Pull in data silos without any datapoint/table information

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataSilos --skipDatapoints=true

Pull in data silos and datapoints without any subdatapoint/column information

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataSilos --skipSubDatapoints=true

Pull in data silos and datapoints with guessed data categories instead of just approved data categories

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataSilos --includeGuessedCategories=true

Pull in attribute definitions only (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=attributes

Pull in business entities only (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=businessEntities

Pull in enrichers and identifiers (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=enrichers,identifiers

Pull in onboarding action items (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=actionItems,actionItemCollections

Pull in consent manager domain list (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=consentManager

Pull in identifier configurations (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=identifiers

Pull in request actions configurations (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=actions

Pull in request data subject configurations (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataSubjects

Pull in prompts, prompt templates, prompt partials and prompt groups (see this example):

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=prompts,promptPartials,promptGroups

Pull everything:

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=all

Or with a specific page size (max 100)

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --integrationNames=salesforce,snowflake --pageSize=30

Or with debug logs

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --integrationNames=salesforce,snowflake --debug=true

Pull in configuration files across multiple instances

tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Consent Manager" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" --file=./transcend-api-keys.json
tr-pull --auth=./transcend-api-keys.json --resources=consentManager --file=./transcend/

Note: This command will overwrite the existing transcend.yml file that you have locally.


Given a transcend.yml file, sync the contents up to your connected services view (


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes when pushing the various resource types:

Key Description Scope Is Default Link
apiKeys API Key definitions. API keys cannot be created through the cli, but you can map API key usage to Data Silos. View API Keys true Developer Tools -> API keys
actionItems Onboarding related action items Manage Action Item Collections false Action Items
actionItemCollections Onboarding related action item group names Manage All Action Items false Action Items
templates Email templates. Only template titles can be created and mapped to other resources. Manage Email Templates true DSR Automation -> Email Templates
dataSilos The Data Silo/Integration definitions. Manage Data Map,Connect Data Silos true Data Inventory -> Data Silos and Infrastucture -> Integrations
enrichers The Privacy Request enricher configurations. Manage Request Identity Verification true DSR Automation -> Identifiers
teams The team definitions containing scopes and users Manage Access Control false Administration -> Teams
businessEntities The business entities in the data inventory. Manage Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Business Entities
identifiers The Privacy Request identifier configurations. Manage Request Identity Verification false DSR Automation -> Identifiers
actions The Privacy Request action settings. Manage Data Subject Request Settings false DSR Automation -> Request Settings
dataSubjects The Privacy Request data subject settings. Manage Data Subject Request Settings false DSR Automation -> Request Settings
vendors The vendors in the data inventory. Manage Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Vendors
dataCategories The data categories in the data inventory. Manage Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Data Categories
processingPurposes The processing purposes in the data inventory. Manage Data Inventory false Data Inventory -> Processing Purposes
attributes Attribute definitions that define extra metadata for each table in the Admin Dashboard. Manage Global Attributes false Infrastructure -> Attributes
dataFlows Consent Manager Data Flow definitions. Manage Data Flows false Consent Management -> Data Flows
cookies Consent Manager Cookie definitions. Manage Data Flows false Consent Management -> Cookies
consentManager Consent Manager general settings, including domain list. Manage Consent Manager Developer Settings false Consent Management -> Developer Settings
partitions The partitions in the account (often representative of separate data controllers). Manage Consent Manager Developer Settings false Consent Management -> Developer Settings -> Advanced Settings
prompts The Transcend AI prompts View Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Browse
promptPartials The Transcend AI prompt partials Manage Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Partials
promptGroups The Transcend AI prompt groups Manage Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Groups
agents The agents in the prompt manager. Manage Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Agents
agentFunctions The agent functions in the prompt manager. Manage Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Agent Functions
agentFiles The agent files in the prompt manager. Manage Prompts false Prompt Manager -> Agent Files
privacyCenters The privacy center configurations. Manage Privacy Center false Privacy Center
policies The privacy center policies. Manage Policies false Privacy Center -> Policies
messages Message definitions used across consent, privacy center, email templates and more. Manage Internationalization Messages false Privacy Center -> Messages, Consent Management -> Display Settings -> Messages


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string (API key or path to tr-generate-api-keys JSON output) N/A true
file Path to the YAML file to push from string - file-path ./transcend.yml false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
pageSize The page size to use when paginating over the API number 50 false
variables The variables to template into the YAML file when pushing configuration. e.g.,stage:staging string N/A false
classifyService When true, automatically assign the service for a data flow based on the domain that is specified boolean false false
deleteExtraAttributeValues When true and syncing attributes, delete any extra attributes instead of just upserting boolean false false


# Looks for file at ./transcend.yml
tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

An alternative file destination can be specified:

# Looks for file at custom location ./custom/location.yml
tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=./custom/location.yml

Push a single yml file configuration into multiple Transcend instances. This uses the output of tr-generate-api-keys.

tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" --file=./transcend-api-keys.json
tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY
tr-push --auth=./transcend-api-keys.json

Push multiple yml file configurations into multiple Transcend instances. This uses the output of tr-generate-api-keys.

tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" --file=./transcend-api-keys.json
tr-pull --auth=./transcend-api-keys.json --file=./transcend/
# <edit yml files in folder in between these steps>
tr-push --auth=./transcend-api-keys.json --file=./transcend/

Apply service classifier to all data flows.

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataFlows
tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=dataFlows --classifyService=true

Push up attributes, deleting any attributes that are not specified in the transcend.yml file

tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=attributes
tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --resources=attributes --deleteExtraAttributeValues=true

Some things to note about this sync process:

  1. Any field that is defined in your .yml file will be synced up to If any change was made on the admin dashboard, it will be overwritten.
  2. If you omit a field from the YAML file, this field will not be synced. This gives you the ability to define as much or as little configuration in your transcend.yml file as you would like, and let the remainder of fields be labeled through the Admin Dashboard
  3. If you define new data subjects, identifiers, data silos or datapoints that were not previously defined on the Admin Dashboard, the cli will create these new resources automatically.
  4. Currently, this cli does not handle deleting or renaming of resources. If you need to delete or rename a data silo, identifier, enricher or API key, you should make the change on the Admin Dashboard.
  5. The only resources that this cli will not auto generate are:
  • a) Data silo owners: If you assign an email address to a data silo, you must first make sure that user is invited into your Transcend instance (
  • b) API keys: This cli will not create new API keys. You will need to first create the new API keys on the Admin Dashboard ( You can then list out the titles of the API keys that you generated in your transcend.yml file, after which the cli is capable of updating that API key to be able to respond to different data silos in your Data Map

CI Integration

Once you have a workflow for creating your transcend.yml file, you will want to integrate your tr-push command on your CI.

Below is an example of how to set this up using a Github action:

name: Transcend Data Map Syncing
# See

      - 'main'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Setup Node.js
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: '16'

      - name: Install Transcend cli
        run: npm i -D @transcend-io/cli

      # If you have a script that generates your transcend.yml file from
      # an ORM or infrastructure configuration, add that step here
      # Leave this step commented out if you want to manage your transcend.yml manually
      # - name: Generate transcend.yml
      #   run: ./scripts/

      - name: Push Transcend config
        run: npx tr-push --auth=${{ secrets.TRANSCEND_API_KEY }}

Dynamic Variables

If you are using this cli to sync your Data Map between multiple Transcend instances, you may find the need to make minor modifications to your configurations between environments. The most notable difference would be the domain where your webhook URLs are hosted on.

The tr-push command takes in a parameter variables. This is a CSV of key:value pairs.

tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY,stage:staging

This command could fill out multiple parameters in a YAML file like ./examples/multi-instance.yml, copied below:

  - title: Webhook Key
  - title: Basic Identity Enrichment
    description: Enrich an email address to the userId and phone number
    # The data silo webhook URL is the same in each environment,
    # except for the base domain in the webhook URL.
    url: https://example.<<parameters.domain>>/transcend-enrichment-webhook
    input-identifier: email
      - userId
      - phone
      - myUniqueIdentifier
  - title: Fraud Check
    description: Ensure the email address is not marked as fraudulent
    url: https://example.<<parameters.domain>>/transcend-fraud-check
    input-identifier: email
      - email
      - ERASURE
  - title: Redshift Data Warehouse
    integrationName: server
    description: The mega-warehouse that contains a copy over all SQL backed databases - <<parameters.stage>>
    url: https://example.<<parameters.domain>>/transcend-webhook
    api-key-title: Webhook Key


Transcend can scan your codebase to inventory your code packages and dependencies. Currently we support scanning for discovering packages and dependencies for the following frameworks:

  • package.json
  • requirements.txt &
  • Podfile
  • build.gradle
  • pubspec.yaml
  • Gemfile & .gemspec
  • composer.json

The command will scan the folder you point at to look for any of these files. Once found, the build file will be parsed in search of dependencies. Those code packages and dependencies will be uploaded to Transcend. The only information shared with Transcend includes:

  • repository name
  • package names
  • dependency names and versions
  • package descriptions


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Manage Code Scanning


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth Transcend API key. string N/A true
scanPath File path in the project to scan. string ./ false
ignoreDirs List of directories to ignore in scan string[] [] false
packageName Name of the git repository that the package should be tied to string $(cd ${scanPath} && git config --get remote.origin.url) false


Scan the current directory

yarn tr-scan-packages --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

Scan a specific directory

yarn tr-scan-packages --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --scanPath=./examples/

Ignore certain folders

yarn tr-scan-packages --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --ignoreDirs=./test,./build

Specify the name of the repository

yarn tr-scan-packages --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --repositoryName="transcend-io/test"


Transcend can help scan dependency management files to help detect new data silos where you may be storing user personal data. Currently we support scanning for new data silos in Javascript, Python, Gradle, and CocoaPods projects.

To get started, you'll need to add a data silo for the corresponding project type with "silo discovery" plugin enabled. For example, if you want to scan a JavaScript project, add a JavaScript package.json data silo. You can do this in the Transcend admin-dashboard (or via this CLI tooling).


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Manage Assigned Data Inventory
  • [Data Silo for Scanner]


Argument Description Type Default Required
scanPath File path in the project to scan. string N/A true
dataSiloID The UUID of the corresponding data silo. string N/A true
auth Transcend API key. string N/A true
fileGlobs You can pass a glob syntax pattern(s) to specify additional file paths to scan in addition to the default (ex: package.json). string N/A false


Then, you'll need to grab that dataSiloId and a Transcend API key and pass it to the CLI. Using JavaScript package.json as an example:

# Scan a javascript project (package.json files) to look for new data silos
yarn tr-discover-silos --scanPath=./myJavascriptProject --auth={{api_key}} ---dataSiloId=abcdefg

Here are some examples of a Podfile and gradle file. These are scanned like:

yarn tr-discover-silos --scanPath=./examples/ --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY ---dataSiloId=b6776589-0b7d-466f-8aad-4378ffd3a321

This call will look for all the package.json files that in the scan path ./myJavascriptProject, parse each of the dependencies into their individual package names, and send it to our Transcend backend for classification. These classifications can then be viewed here. The process is the same for scanning requirements.txt, podfiles and build.gradle files.

You can include additional arguments as well:


Bulk approve a set of privacy requests from the DSR Automation -> Incoming Requests tab.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Request Approval and Communication
  • View Incoming Requests
  • Manage Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
actions The request actions to approve. RequestAction[] N/A true
origins The request origins to approve. RequestOrigin[] N/A false
silentModeBefore Any requests made before this date should be marked as silent mode Date N/A false
createdAtBefore Approve requests that were submitted before this time Date N/A false
createdAtAfter Approve requests that were submitted after this time Date N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 50 false


Bulk approve all SALE_OPT_OUT and ERASURE requests

yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --transcendUrl=

Approve all Erasure requests that came through the API

yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --origins=API

Approve all requests, but mark any request made before 05/03/2023 as silent mode to prevent emailing those requests. When not provided, the existing silent mode state of that request will be used to determine if emails are sent.

yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT --silentModeBefore=05/03/2023

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 50)

yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --concurrency=100

Approve ERASURE requests created within a specific time frame

yarn tr-request-approve --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT --createdAtBefore=05/03/2023 --createdAtAfter=04/03/2023


Bulk cancel a set of privacy requests from the DSR Automation -> Incoming Requests tab.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Request Approval and Communication
  • View Incoming Requests


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
actions The request actions to cancel. RequestAction[] N/A true
requestIds Specify the specific request IDs to cancel string[] [] false
silentModeBefore Any requests made before this date should be marked as silent mode for canceling to skip email sending Date N/A false
createdAtBefore Cancel requests that were submitted before this time Date N/A false
createdAtAfter Cancel requests that were submitted after this time Date N/A false
cancellationTitle The title of the email template that should be sent to the requests upon cancelation. Any request in silent mode will not be emailed. string Request Canceled false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 50 false


Bulk cancel all open SALE_OPT_OUT and ERASURE requests.

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --transcendUrl=

Bulk cancel all Erasure (request.type=ERASURE) requests that are in an enriching state (request.status=ENRICHING)

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --statuses=ENRICHING

Bulk cancel requests by ID


Send a specific email template to the request that are being canceled. When not provided, the default cancellation template is used ("Request Canceled").

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --cancellationTitle="Custom Email Template"

Cancel all open SALE_OPT_OUT, but mark any request made before 05/03/2023 as silent mode to prevent emailing those requests. When not provided, the existing silent mode state of that request will be used to determine if emails are sent.

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT --silentModeBefore=05/03/2023

Cancel all open SALE_OPT_OUT, within a specific time frame

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT --createdAtBefore=05/03/2023 --createdAtAfter=04/03/2023

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 50)

yarn tr-request-cancel --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --concurrency=500


Bulk notify a set of privacy requests from the DSR Automation -> Incoming Requests tab that more time is needed to complete the request. Note any request in silent mode will not be emailed.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Request Approval and Communication
  • View Incoming Requests


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
createdAtBefore Notify requests that are open but submitted before this time Date N/A true
createdAtAfter Notify requests that are open but submitted after this time. Date now() false
actions The request actions to notify. RequestAction[] RequestAction[] false
daysLeft Only notify requests that have less than this number of days until they are considered expired. This allows for re-running the command without notifying the same users multiple times number 10 false
days The number of days to adjust the expiration of the request to number 45 false
requestIds Specify the specific request IDs to notify string[] [] false
emailTemplate The title of the email template that should be sent to the requests. string Additional Time Needed false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 50 false


Notify all request types that were made before 01/01/2024

yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024

Notify all request types that were made during a date range

yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024  --createdAtAfter=12/15/2023

Notify certain request types

yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn  tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 --transcendUrl=

Bulk notify requests by ID

yarn  tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 \

Only notify requests that are expiring in the next 3 days or less

yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 --daysLeft=3

Change number of days to extend request by

yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 --days=30

Send a specific email template to the request that instead of the default

yarn  tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 --emailTemplate="Custom Email Template"

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 50)

yarn tr-request-notify-additional-time --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore=01/01/2024 --concurrency=500


Bulk update a set of privacy requests from the DSR Automation -> Incoming Requests tab to be in silent mode.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Manage Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
actions The request actions to mark silent. RequestAction[] N/A true
requestIds Specify the specific request IDs to mark silent string[] [] false
createdAtBefore Mark silent requests that were submitted before this time Date N/A false
createdAtAfter Mark silent requests that were submitted after this time Date N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 50 false


Bulk mark silent all open SALE_OPT_OUT and ERASURE requests.

yarn tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --transcendUrl=

Bulk mark as silent all Erasure (request.type=ERASURE) requests that are in an enriching state (request.status=ENRICHING)

yarn tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --statuses=ENRICHING

Bulk mark as silent requests by ID


Mark sale opt out requests as silent within a certain date range

yarn tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=SALE_OPT_OUT --createdAtBefore=05/03/2023 --createdAtAfter=04/03/2023

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 50)

yarn tr-request-mark-silent --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ERASURE --concurrency=500


If you need to upload a set of requests from a CSV, you can run this command. This command uses inquirer to prompt the user to map the shape of the CSV to the shape of the Transcend API. There is no requirement for the shape of the incoming CSV, as the script will handle the mapping process.

The script will also produce a JSON cache file, that allows for the mappings to be preserved between runs. This can be useful if you have the same CSV shape that needs to be imported multiple times. Once the mapping process is done once, it does not need to be done again.

Additionally, the JSON cache file will store the result of any privacy requests that fail to be uploaded. This allows for the script to continue uploading requests even if some requests error out. The script user can then inspect the errors, and decide whether it is necessary to re-run those requests.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Submit New Data Subject Request
  • View Identity Verification Settings
  • View Global Attributes


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
file Path to the CSV file of requests to tupload. string - file-path ./requests.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
cacheFilepath The path to the JSON file encoding the metadata used to map the CSV shape to Transcend API. string ./transcend-privacy-requests-cache.json false
requestReceiptFolder The path to the folder where receipts of each upload are stored. This allows for debugging of errors. string ./privacy-request-upload-receipts false
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 50 false
attributes Tag all of the requests with the following attributes. Format: key1:value1;value2,key2:value3;value4 string Tags:transcend-cli false
isTest Flag whether the requests being uploaded are test requests or regular requests. boolean false false
isSilent Flag whether the requests being uploaded should be submitted in silent mode. boolean true false
skipSendingReceipt Flag whether to skip sending of the receipt email boolean false false
emailIsVerified Indicate whether the email address being uploaded is pre-verified. Set to false to send a verification email. boolean true false
skipFilterStep When true, skip the interactive step to filter down the CSV. boolean false false
dryRun When true, perform a dry run of the upload instead of calling the API to submit the requests. boolean false false
debug Debug logging. boolean false false
defaultPhoneCountryCode When uploading phone numbers, if the phone number is missing a country code, assume this country code. Defaults to USA. string 1 false


yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv

For self-hosted sombras that use an internal key:

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv \

Run without being prompted to filter requests

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --skipFilterStep=true

Perform a dry run to see what will be uploaded, without calling the Transcend API to upload the request

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --dryRun=true

Mark the uploaded requests as test requests

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --isTest=true

Send email communications to the users throughout the request lifecycle.

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --isSilent=false

Upload requests without sending initial email receipt, but still send later emails

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --skipSendingReceipt=true

Send email verification to user before request continues.

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv \
   --isSilent=false --emailIsVerified=false

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 50)

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --concurrency=100

Tag all uploaded requests with an attribute

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv \

Specify default country code for phone numbers

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --defaultPhoneCountryCode=44

Include debug logs - warning, this logs out personal data.

yarn tr-request-upload --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv --debug=true


Bulk update a set of privacy requests based on a set of request filters.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Submit New Data Subject Request
  • View the Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
actions The request action to restart. RequestAction[] N/A true
statuses The request statuses to restart. RequestStatus[] N/A true
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
requestReceiptFolder The path to the folder where receipts of each upload are stored. This allows for debugging of errors. string ./privacy-request-upload-receipts false
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. Only required when copyIdentifiers flag used. string N/A false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 15 false
requestIds Specify the specific request IDs to restart string[] [] false
emailIsVerified Indicate whether the primary email address is verified. Set to false to send a verification email. boolean true false
createdAt Restart requests that were submitted before a specific date. Date false
silentModeBefore Requests older than this date should be marked as silent mode Date N/A false
createdAtBefore Restart requests that were submitted before this time Date N/A false
createdAtAfter Restart requests that were submitted after this time Date N/A false
sendEmailReceipt Send email receipts to the restarted requests boolean false false
copyIdentifiers Copy over all enriched identifiers from the initial request. Leave false to restart from scratch with initial identifiers only. boolean false false
skipWaitingPeriod Skip queued state of request and go straight to compiling boolean false false


yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE

For self-hosted sombras that use an internal key:

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE \

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 20)

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --concurrency=100

Re-verify emails

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --emailIsVerified=false

Restart specific requests by ID

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --requestIds=c3ae78c9-2768-4666-991a-d2f729503337,342e4bd1-64ea-4af0-a4ad-704b5a07cfe4

Restart requests that were submitted before a specific date.

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --createdAt=2022-05-11T00:46

Restart requests and place everything in silent mode submitted before a certain date

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --silentModeBefore=2022-12-05T00:46

Restart requests within a specific timeframe

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE ---createdAtBefore="04/05/2023" --createdAtAfter="02/21/2023"

Send email receipts to the restarted requests

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --sendEmailReceipt=true

Copy over all enriched identifiers from the initial request. Leave false to restart from scratch with initial identifiers only

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --copyIdentifiers=true

Skip queued state of request and go straight to compiling

yarn tr-request-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE --skipWaitingPeriod=true


Bulk restart a particular enricher across a series of DSRs.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Manage Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
enricherId The ID of the enricher to restart string N/A true
actions The request action to restart. RequestAction[] N/A false
requestEnricherStatuses The request enricher statuses to restart. RequestEnricherStatus[] N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 15 false
requestIds Specify the specific request IDs to restart string[] [] false
createdAtBefore Restart requests that were submitted before this time Date N/A false
createdAtAfter Restart requests that were submitted after this time Date N/A false


yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=3be5e898-fea9-4614-84de-88cd5265c557

Restart specific request types

yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY ---enricherId=3be5e898-fea9-4614-84de-88cd5265c557 --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY ---enricherId=3be5e898-fea9-4614-84de-88cd5265c557 --transcendUrl=

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 20)

yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY ---enricherId=3be5e898-fea9-4614-84de-88cd5265c557 --concurrency=100

Restart requests within a specific timeframe

yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=3be5e898-fea9-4614-84de-88cd5265c557 ---createdAtBefore="04/05/2023" --createdAtAfter="02/21/2023"

Restart requests that are in an error state

yarn tr-request-enricher-restart --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=3be5e898-fea9-4614-84de-88cd5265c557 ---requestEnricherStatuses=ERROR


Bulk clear out any request identifiers that are unverified


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • Manage Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
identifierNames The names of identifiers to clear out string[] N/A true
actions The request action to restart. RequestAction[] N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-request-reject-unverified-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --identifierNames=phone

Restart specific request types

yarn tr-request-reject-unverified-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --identifierNames=phone --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-reject-unverified-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --identifierNames=phone --transcendUrl=


Export privacy requests and request identifiers to a CSV file.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key needs the following scopes:

  • View Incoming Requests
  • View the Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false
actions The request action to restart. RequestAction[] N/A false
statuses The request statuses to restart. RequestStatus[] N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
file Path to the CSV file where identifiers will be written to. string - file-path ./transcend-request-export.csv false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 100 false
createdAtBefore Pull requests that were submitted before this time Date N/A false
createdAtAfter Pull requests that were submitted after this time Date N/A false
showTests Filter for test requests or production requests - when not provided, pulls both boolean N/A false


Pull all requests:

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

Filter for specific actions and statuses:

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --statuses=COMPILING,ENRICHING --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --transcendUrl=

With Sombra authentication

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY

Increase the concurrency (defaults to 100)

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --concurrency=500

Filter for production requests only

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --showTests=false

Filter for requests within a date range

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --createdAtBefore="04/05/2023" --createdAtAfter="02/21/2023"

Write to a specific file location

yarn tr-request-export --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=./path/to/file.csv


If you are using the cron job integration, you can run this command to pull the outstanding identifiers for the data silo to a CSV.



In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must be associated to the ID of the integration/data silo that is being operated on.


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataSiloId The ID of the data silo to pull in. string - UUID N/A true
actions The request action to restart. RequestAction[] N/A true
file Path to the CSV file where identifiers will be written to. string - file-path ./cron-identifiers.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false
pageLimit The page limit to use when pulling in pages of identifiers. number 100 false


yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ERASURE

Pull to a specific file location

yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ERASURE \

For self-hosted sombras that use an internal key:

yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ERASURE  \

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ERASURE \

Specifying the page limit, defaults to 100.

yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ERASURE \


This command takes the output of tr-cron-pull-identifiers and notifies Transcend that all of the requests in the CSV have been processed. This is used in the workflow like:

  1. Pull identifiers to CSV: yarn tr-cron-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ERASURE --file=./outstanding-requests.csv
  2. Run your process to operate on that CSV of requests.
  3. Notify Transcend of completion yarn tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --file=./outstanding-requests.csv



In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must be associated to the ID of the integration/data silo that is being operated on.


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataSiloId The ID of the data silo to pull in. string - UUID N/A true
file Path to the CSV file where identifiers will be written to. string - file-path ./cron-identifiers.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false


yarn tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f

Pull to a specific file location

yarn tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f \

For self-hosted sombras that use an internal key:

yarn tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f \

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-cron-mark-identifiers-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f \


This command pulls down the set of privacy requests that are currently pending manual enrichment.

This is useful for the following workflow:

  1. Pull identifiers to CSV: yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --file=./enrichment-requests.csv
  2. Fill out the CSV with additional identifiers
  3. Push updated back to Transcend yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --file=./enrichment-requests.csv


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • View Incoming Requests
  • View the Request Compilation


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
file Path to the CSV file where requests will be written to. string - file-path ./manual-enrichment-identifiers.csv false
actions The request action to pull for. RequestAction[] N/A false

| concurrency | The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. | number | 100 | false |


yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

Pull to a specific file location

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv

For specific types of requests

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --actions=ACCESS,ERASURE

For US hosted infrastructure

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --transcendUrl=

With Sombra authentication

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY

With specific concurrency

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --concurrency=200


This command push up a set of identifiers for a set of requests pending manual enrichment.

This is useful for the following workflow:

  1. Pull identifiers to CSV: yarn tr-manual-enrichment-pull-identifiers --file=./enrichment-requests.csv
  2. Fill out the CSV with additional identifiers
  3. Push updated back to Transcend yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --file=./enrichment-requests.csv


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Request Identity Verification"
  • "Manage Request Compilation" (only when specifying silentModeBefore)


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
enricherId The ID of the Request Enricher to upload to string - UUID N/A true
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
file Path to the CSV file where requests will be written to. string - file-path ./manual-enrichment-identifiers.csv false
silentModeBefore When true, set requests into silent mode before enriching boolean false false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 100 false


yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=27d45a0d-7d03-47fa-9b30-6d697005cfcf

Pull to a specific file location

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=27d45a0d-7d03-47fa-9b30-6d697005cfcf --file=/Users/transcend/Desktop/test.csv

For US hosted infrastructure

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=27d45a0d-7d03-47fa-9b30-6d697005cfcf --transcendUrl=

With Sombra authentication

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=27d45a0d-7d03-47fa-9b30-6d697005cfcf --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY

With specific concurrency

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=27d45a0d-7d03-47fa-9b30-6d697005cfcf --concurrency=200

When enriching requests, mark all requests as silent mode before processing

yarn tr-manual-enrichment-push-identifiers --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --enricherId=27d45a0d-7d03-47fa-9b30-6d697005cfcf --silentModeBefore=true


This command takes in a CSV of Request IDs as well as a Data Silo ID and marks all associated privacy request jobs as completed. This command is useful with the "Bulk Response" UI. The CSV is expected to have 1 column named "Request Id".


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Request Compilation"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataSiloId The ID of the data silo to pull in. string - UUID N/A true
file Path to the CSV file where identifiers will be written to. string - file-path ./request-identifiers.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-mark-request-data-silos-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f

Pull to a specific file location

yarn tr-mark-request-data-silos-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f \

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-mark-request-data-silos-completed --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f \


This command allows for bulk skipping all open privacy request jobs for a particular data silo. This command is useful if you want to disable a data silo and then clear out any active privacy requests that are still queued up for that data silo.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Request Compilation"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataSiloId The ID of the data silo to skip privacy request jobs for. string - UUID N/A true
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
statuses The request statuses to mark as completed for. RequestStatus[] COMPILING,SECONDARY false
status The status to set the request data silo job to SKIPPED or RESOLVED SKIPPED false


yarn tr-skip-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-skip-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f \

Only mark as completed requests in "removing data" phase

yarn tr-skip-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --statuses=SECONDARY

Set to status "RESOLVED" instead of status "SKIPPED"

yarn tr-skip-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --status=RESOLVED


This command allows for bulk restarting a set of data silos jobs for open privacy requests. This is equivalent to clicking the "Wipe and Retry" button for a particular data silo across a set of privacy requests.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Request Compilation"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataSiloId The ID of the data silo to pull in. string - UUID N/A true
actions The request action to restart. RequestAction[] N/A true
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-retry-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ACCESS

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-retry-request-data-silos --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataSiloId=70810f2e-cf90-43f6-9776-901a5950599f --actions=ACCESS \


This command allows for updating Consent Manager to latest version. The consent manager bundle can also be deployed using this commannd.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Consent Manager Developer Settings"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
bundleTypes The bundle types to deploy BundleType[] PRODUCTION,TEST false
deploy When true, deploy the Consent Manager after updating the version boolean false false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --transcendUrl=

Update version and deploy bundles.

yarn tr-update-consent-manager -auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --deploy=true

Update just the TEST bundle

yarn tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --bundleTypes=TEST

Update just the PRODUCTION bundle

yarn tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --bundleTypes=PRODUCTION

Update multiple organizations at once

yarn tr-update-consent-manager --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --bundleTypes=PRODUCTION

tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD --scopes="Manage Consent Manager" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" --file=./transcend-api-keys.json
yarn tr-update-consent-manager  --auth=./transcend-api-keys.json --deploy=true


This command allows for converting a folder or Consent Manager transcend.yml files into a single transcend.yml file where each consent manager configuration is a Business Entity in the data inventory.


No authentication is required to run this command. It reads and writes files from local disk.


Argument Description Type Default Required
consentManagerYmlFolder Path to the folder of Consent Manager transcend.yml files to combine string - folder-path N/A true
output Path to the output transcend.yml with business entity configuration string - file-path ./combined-business-entities.yml false


Combine files in folder ./working/consent-managers/ to file ./combined-business-entities.yml

yarn tr-consent-managers-to-business-entities --consentManagerYmlFolder=./working/consent-managers/

Specify custom output file

yarn tr-consent-managers-to-business-entities --consentManagerYmlFolder=./working/consent-managers/ --output=./custom.yml


Import the services from an airgap.js file into a Transcend instance.

Step 1) Run await airgap.getMetadata() on a site with airgap Step 2) Right click on the printed object, and click Copy object Step 3) Place output of file in a file named services.json Step 4) Run yarn tr-consent-manager-service-json-to-yml --file=./services.json --output=./transcend.yml Step 5) Run yarn tr-push --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=./transcend.yml --classifyService=true


No authentication is required to run this command. It reads and writes files from local disk.


Argument Description Type Default Required
file Path to the services.json file, output of await airgap.getMetadata() string - file-path ./services.json false
output Path to the output transcend.yml to write to string - file-path ./transcend.yml false


Convert data flow configurations in folder ./services.json to yml in ./transcend.yml

yarn tr-consent-manager-service-json-to-yml

With file locations

yarn tr-consent-manager-service-json-to-yml --file=./folder/services.json --output./folder/transcend.yml


Given a folder of data flow transcend.yml configurations, convert those configurations to set of data silo transcend.yml configurations.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API does not need any scopes, any API key will work.


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataFlowsYmlFolder The folder that contains data flow yml files string - folder-path N/A true
dataSilosYmlFolder The folder that contains data silo yml files string - folder-path N/A true
ignoreYmls The set of yml files that should be skipped when uploading string[] [] false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


Convert data flow configurations in folder ./working/data-flows/ to data silo configurations in folder ./working/data-silos/

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY \
 --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/ \

Use with US backend

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --transcendUrl= \
 --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/ \

Skip a set of yml files

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --ignoreYmls="Skip.yml,Other.yml" \
 --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/ \


Given a folder of data flow transcend.yml configurations, convert those configurations to a single transcend.yml configurations of all related data silos.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API does not need any scopes, any API key will work.


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
dataFlowsYmlFolder The folder that contains data flow yml files string - folder-path N/A true
output The output transcend.yml file containing the data silo configurations string - file-path ./transcend.yml false
ignoreYmls The set of yml files that should be skipped when uploading string[] [] false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


Convert data flow configurations in folder ./working/data-flows/ to data silo configurations in file ./transcend.yml

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows-cross-instance --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/

Use with US backend

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows-cross-instance --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/ \

Skip a set of yml files

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows-cross-instance --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/ --ignoreYmls="Skip.yml,Other.yml"

Convert data flow configurations in folder ./working/data-flows/ to data silo configurations in file ./output.yml

yarn tr-derive-data-silos-from-data-flows-cross-instance --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --dataFlowsYmlFolder=./working/data-flows/ --output=./output.yml


This command allows for pulling consent manager metrics for a Transcend account, or a set of Transcend accounts.

By default, the consent metrics will be written to a folder named consent-metrics within the directory where you run the command. You can override the location that these CSVs are written to using the flag “--folder=./my-folder/”. This folder will contain a set of CSV files:

  • CONSENT_CHANGES_TIMESERIES_optIn.csv -> this is a feed containing the number of explicit opt in events that happen - these are calls to airgap.setConsent(event, { SaleOfInfo: true })
  • CONSENT_CHANGES_TIMESERIES_optOut.csv -> this is a feed containing the number of explicit opt out events that happen - these are calls to airgap.setConsent(event, { SaleOfInfo: false })
  • CONSENT_SESSIONS_BY_REGIME_Default.csv -> this contains the number of sessions detected for the bin period
  • PRIVACY_SIGNAL_TIMESERIES_DNT.csv -> the number of DNT signals detected (note you chose not to honor the the DNT signal so this file can be ignored)
  • PRIVACY_SIGNAL_TIMESERIES_GPC.csv -> the number of GPC signals detected. When the GPC signal is detected, this results in a user being opted out. This is counted per session.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "View Consent Manager"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
start The start date to pull metrics from. string - date N/A true
end The end date to pull metrics until. string - date now() true
folder The folder to save metrics to string - path ./consent-metrics/ false
bin The bin metric when pulling data (1h or 1d) ConsentManagerMetricBin 1d false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --start=01/01/2023

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --start=01/01/2023 --transcendUrl=

Pull start and end date explicitly

yarn tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --start=01/01/2023 --end=03/01/2023

Save to an explicit folder

yarn tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --start=01/01/2023 --end=03/01/2023 --folder=./my-folder/

Bin data hourly vs daily

yarn tr-pull-consent-metrics --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --start=01/01/2023 --bin=1h


This command allows for updating of consent preferences to the Managed Consent Database.

Each row in the CSV must include:

Argument Description Type Default Required
userId Unique ID identifying the user that the preferences ar efor string N/A true
timestamp Timestamp for when consent was collected for that user string - timestamp N/A true
purposes JSON map from consent purpose name -> boolean indicating whether user has opted in or out of that purpose {[k in string]: boolean } {} false
confirmed Whether consent preferences have been explicitly confirmed or inferred boolean true false
updated Has the consent been updated (including no-change confirmation) since default resolution boolean N/A false
prompted Whether or not the UI has been shown to the end-user (undefined in older versions of airgap.js) boolean N/A false
gpp IAB GPP string string - GPP N/A false

An sample CSV can be found here.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to follow this guide in order to grab your encryption and signing keys.


Argument Description Type Default Required
base64EncryptionKey The encyption key used to encrypt the userId string N/A true
base64SigningKey The signing key used to prove authentication of consent request string N/A true
partition The partition key to download consent preferences to string N/A true
file The file to pull consent preferences from string - path ./preferences.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
concurrency The concurrency to use when uploading requests in parallel. number 100 false


Upload consent preferences to partition key 4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726

yarn tr-upload-consent-preferences --base64EncryptionKey=$TRANSCEND_CONSENT_ENCRYPTION_KEY  --base64SigningKey=$TRANSCEND_CONSENT_SIGNING_KEY             --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726

Upload consent preferences to partition key 4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 from file ./consent.csv

yarn tr-upload-consent-preferences --base64EncryptionKey=$TRANSCEND_CONSENT_ENCRYPTION_KEY --base64SigningKey=$TRANSCEND_CONSENT_SIGNING_KEY             --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 --file=./consent.csv

Upload consent preferences to partition key 4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 and set concurrency

yarn tr-upload-consent-preferences --base64EncryptionKey=$TRANSCEND_CONSENT_ENCRYPTION_KEY --base64SigningKey=$TRANSCEND_CONSENT_SIGNING_KEY             --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 --concurrency=200


This command allows for pull of consent preferences from the Managed Consent Database.

Each row in the CSV will include:

Argument Description Type Default Required
userId Unique ID identifying the user that the preferences ar efor string N/A true
timestamp Timestamp for when consent was collected for that user string - timestamp N/A true
purposes JSON map from consent purpose name -> boolean indicating whether user has opted in or out of that purpose {[k in string]: boolean } {} true
airgapVersion Version of airgap where consent was collected string N/A false
[purpose name] Each consent purpose from purposes is also included in a column boolean N/A false
tcf IAB TCF string string - TCF N/A false
gpp IAB GPP string string - GPP N/A false


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "View Managed Consent Database Admin API"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
partition The partition key to download consent preferences to string N/A true
sombraAuth The sombra internal key, use for additional authentication when self-hosting sombra. string N/A false
file Path to the CSV file to save preferences to string - file-path ./preferences.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false
timestampBefore Filter for consents updated this time Date N/A false
timestampAfter Filter for consents updated after this time Date N/A false
identifiers Filter for specific identifiers string[] N/A false
concurrency The concurrency to use when downloading consents in parallel. number 100 false


Fetch all consent preferences from partition key 4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726

yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726

Fetch all consent preferences from partition key 4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 and save to ./consent.csv

yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 --file=./consent.csv

Filter on consent updates before a date

yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 --timestampBefore=04/03/2023

Filter on consent updates after a date

yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 --timestampAfter=04/03/2023

For self-hosted sombras that use an internal key:

yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --sombraAuth=$SOMBRA_INTERNAL_KEY --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-pull-consent-preferences --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --partition=4d1c5daa-90b7-4d18-aa40-f86a43d2c726 --transcendUrl=


This command allows for uploading of data flows from CSV.

Step 1) Download the CSV of data flows that you want to edit from the Admin Dashboard under Consent Management -> Data Flows. You can download data flows from both the "Triage" and "Approved" tabs.

Screenshot 2023-06-22 at 6 05 36 PM

Step 2) You can edit the contents of the CSV file as needed. You may adjust the "Purpose" column, adjust the "Notes" column, add "Owners" and "Teams" or even add custom columns with additional metadata.

Step 3) Upload the modified CSV file back into the dashboard with the command yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=./approved-flows.csv --trackerStatus=LIVE


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Data Flows"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
trackerStatus Whether or not to upload the data flows into the "Approved" tab (LIVE) or the "Triage" tab (NEEDS_REVIEW). ConsentTrackerStatus N/A true
file Path to the CSV file to upload string - file-path ./data-flows.csv false
classifyService When true, automatically assign the service for a data flow based on the domain that is specified boolean false false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false

Note: You trackerStatus can be specified on a per data flow basis by adding a column named "Status" to the CSV. The values should be of type ConsentTrackerStatus - which is LIVE or NEEDS_REVIEW.


Upload the file of data flows in ./data-flows.csv into the "Approved" tab.

yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=LIVE

Upload the file of data flows in ./data-flows.csv into the "Triage" tab.

yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=NEEDS_REVIEW

Specifying the CSV file to read from:

yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=LIVE --file=./custom/my-data-flows.csv

Have Transcend automatically fill in the service names by looking up the data flow host in Transcend's database.

yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=LIVE --classifyService=true

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-upload-data-flows-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --transcendUrl=


This command allows for uploading cookies from CSV

Step 1) Download the CSV of cookies that you want to edit from the Admin Dashboard under Consent Management -> Cookies. You can download cookies from both the "Triage" and "Approved" tabs.

Step 2) You can edit the contents of the CSV file as needed. You may adjust the "Purpose" column, adjust the "Notes" column, add "Owners" and "Teams" or even add custom columns with additional metadata.

Step 3) Upload the modified CSV file back into the dashboard with the command yarn tr-upload-cookies-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --file=./approved-flows.csv --trackerStatus=LIVE


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard (

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "Manage Cookies"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
trackerStatus Whether or not to upload the cookies into the "Approved" tab (LIVE) or the "Triage" tab (NEEDS_REVIEW). ConsentTrackerStatus N/A true
file Path to the CSV file to upload string - file-path ./cookies.csv false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false

Note: You trackerStatus can be specified on a per cookie basis by adding a column named "Status" to the CSV. The values should be of type ConsentTrackerStatus - which is LIVE or NEEDS_REVIEW.


Upload the file of cookies in ./cookies.csv into the "Approved" tab.

yarn tr-upload-cookies-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=LIVE

Upload the file of cookies in ./cookies.csv into the "Triage" tab.

yarn tr-upload-cookies-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=NEEDS_REVIEW

Specifying the CSV file to read from:

yarn tr-upload-cookies-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --trackerStatus=LIVE --file=./custom/my-cookies.csv

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-upload-cookies-from-csv --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --transcendUrl=


This command allows for creating API keys across multiple Transcend instances. This is useful for customers that are managing many Transcend instances and need to regularly create, cycle or delete API keys across all of their instances. Unlike the other commands that rely on API key authentication, this command relies upon username/password authentication. This command will spit out the API keys into a JSON file, and that JSON file can be used in subsequent cli commands.


In order to use this command, you will need to provide your email and password for the Transcend account. This command will only generate API keys for Transcend instances where you have the permission to "Manage API Keys".


Argument Description Type Default Required
email The email address that you use to log into Transcend. string N/A true
password The password for your account login. string N/A true
apiKeyTitle The title of the API key being generated or destroyed. string N/A true
file The file where API keys should be written to. string - file-path N/A true
scopes The list of scopes that should be given to the API key. string[] N/A true
deleteExistingApiKey When true, if an API key exists with the specified "apiKeyTitle", the existing API key is deleted. When false, an error is thrown if API key already exists. boolean true false
createNewApiKey When true, new API keys will be created. Set to false if you simply want to delete all API keys with a title. boolean true false
parentOrganizationId Filter for only a specific organization by ID, returning all child accounts associated with that organization. string - UUID true false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" -file=./working/auth.json

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" -file=./working/auth.json \

Filter for only a specific organization by ID, returning all child accounts associated with that organization. Can use the following GQL query on the EU GraphQL Playground or US GraphQL Playground.

query {
  user {
    organization {
yarn tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" -file=./working/auth.json \

Delete all API keys with a certain title.

yarn tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" -file=./working/auth.json \

Throw error if an API key already exists with that title, default behavior is to delete the existing API key and create a new one with that same title.

yarn tr-generate-api-keys  [email protected] --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD \
   --scopes="View Email Templates,View Data Map" --apiKeyTitle="CLI Usage Cross Instance Sync" -file=./working/auth.json \


This command allows for building of the XDI Sync Endpoint across a set of Transcend accounts.


In order to use this cli, you will first need to generate an API key on the Transcend Admin Dashboard ( or by using the yarn tr-generate-api-keys command above.

The API key must have the following scopes:

  • "View Consent Manager"


Argument Description Type Default Required
auth The Transcend API key with the scopes necessary for the command. string N/A true
xdiLocation The location of the XDI that will be loaded by the generated sync endpoint. Typically this ends in xdi.js string N/A true
file The HTML file path where the sync endpoint should be written. string - file-path ./sync-endpoint.html false
removeIpAddresses When true, remove IP addresses from the domain list boolean true false
domainBlockList The set of domains that should be excluded from the sync endpoint string[] localhost false
xdiAllowedCommands The allowed set of XDI commands string ConsentManager:Sync false
transcendUrl URL of the Transcend backend. Use for US hosting. string - URL false


yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --xdiLocation=

Specifying the backend URL, needed for US hosted backend infrastructure.

yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --xdiLocation= --transcendUrl=

Configuring across multiple Transcend Instances:

# Pull down API keys across all Transcend instances
yarn tr-generate-api-keys --email=$TRANSCEND_EMAIL --password=$TRANSCEND_PASSWORD --transcendUrl= --scopes="View Consent Manager" --apiKeyTitle="[cli][$TRANSCEND_EMAIL] XDI Endpoint Construction" --file=./api-keys.json --parentOrganizationId=1821d872-6114-406e-90c3-73b4d5e246cf

# Path list of API keys as authentication
yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=./api-keys.json --xdiLocation= --transcendUrl=

Pull to specific file location

yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --xdiLocation= --file=./my-folder/sync-endpoint.html

Don't filter out regular expressions

yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --xdiLocation= --removeIpAddresses=false

Filter out certain domains that should not be included in the sync endpoint definition

yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --xdiLocation=,localhost

Override XDI allowed commands

yarn tr-build-xdi-sync-endpoint --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --xdiLocation= --xdiAllowedCommands="ExtractIdentifiers:Simple"

Prompt Manager

If you are integrating Transcend's Prompt Manager into your code, it may look like:

import * as t from 'io-ts';
import { TranscendPromptManager } from '@transcend-io/cli';
import {
} from '@transcend-io/privacy-types';

 * Example prompt integration
export async function main(): Promise<void> {
  // Instantiate the Transcend Prompt Manager instance
  const promptManager = new TranscendPromptManager({
    // API key
    transcendApiKey: process.env.TRANSCEND_API_KEY,
    // Define the prompts that are stored in Transcend
    prompts: {
      test: {
        // identify by ID
        id: '30bcaa79-889a-4af3-842d-2e8ba443d36d',
        // no runtime variables
        paramCodec: t.type({}),
        // response is list of strings
        outputCodec: t.array(t.string),
      json: {
        // identify by title
        title: 'test',
        // one runtime variable "test"
        paramCodec: t.type({ test: t.string }),
        // runtime is json object
        outputCodec: t.record(t.string, t.string),
        // response is stored in <json></json> atg
        extractFromTag: 'json',
      predictProductLine: {
        // identify by title
        title: 'Predict Product Line',
        // runtime parameter for slack channel name
        paramCodec: t.type({
          slackChannelName: t.string,
        // response is specific JSON shape
        outputCodec: t.type({
          product: t.union([t.string, t.null]),
          clarification: t.union([t.string, t.null]),
        // response is stored in <json></json> atg
        extractFromTag: 'json',
    // Optional arguments
    //  transcendUrl: '', // defaults to ''
    //  requireApproval: false, // defaults to true
    //  cacheDuration: 1000 * 60 * 60, // defaults to undefined, no cache
    //  defaultVariables: { myVariable: 'this is custom', other: [{ name: 'custom' }] }, // defaults to {}
    //  handlebarsOptions: { helpers, templates }, // defaults to {}

  // Fetch the prompt from Transcend and template any variables
  // in this case, we template the slack channel name in the LLM prompt
  const systemPrompt = await promptManager.compilePrompt('predictProductLine', {
    slackChannelName: channelName,

  // Parameters to pass to the LLM
  const input: ChatCompletionMessage[] = [
      role: 'system',
      content: systemPrompt,
      role: 'user',
      content: input,
  const largeLanguageModel = {
    name: 'gpt-4',
    client: 'openai' as const,
  const temperature = 1;
  const topP = 1;
  const maxTokensToSample = 1000;

  // Run prompt against LLM
  let response: string;
  const t0 = new Date().getTime();
  try {
    response = await openai.createCompletion(input, {
      top_p: topP,
      max_tokens: maxTokensToSample,
  } catch (err) {
    // report error upon failure
    await promptManager.reportPromptRunError('predictProductLine', {
      promptRunMessages: input,
      duration: new Date().getTime() - t0,
      error: err.message,
  const t1 = new Date().getTime();

  // Parsed response as JSON and do not report to Transcend
  //   const parsedResponse = promptManager.parseAiResponse(
  //     'predictProductLine',
  //     response,
  //   );

  // Parsed response as JSON and report output to Transcend
  const parsedResponse = await promptManager.reportAndParsePromptRun(
      promptRunMessages: [
          role: 'assistant',
          content: response,
      duration: t1 - t0,
      // Optional parameters
      // name, // unique identifier for this run
      // productArea, // Transcend product area that the prompt relates to
      // runByEmployeeEmail, // Employee email that is executing the request
      // promptGroupId, // The prompt group being reported

Proxy usage

If you are trying to use the cli inside a corporate firewall and need to send traffic through a proxy, you can do so via the http_proxy environment variable or the --httpProxy flag, with a command like yarn tr-pull --auth=$TRANSCEND_API_KEY --httpProxy="http://localhost:5051".


A command line interface for programmatically creating data silos on






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