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tqt97 committed Oct 15, 2023
1 parent db6e66b commit c0e79a4
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 57 deletions.
117 changes: 60 additions & 57 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,60 +7,63 @@
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## About Laravel

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:

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# Laravel CRM with filament project

## Step by step

1. **Install Laravel and Filament**

- Laravel Installation: ```create-project laravel/laravel laravel-crm-filament```
- Filament Installation
composer require filament/filament
php artisan filament:install --panels
php artisan make:filament-user
- Logging Into Filament
2. **Creating Lead Sources Resource**
- Create lead_sources DB structure: Model/Migration and a belongsTo relationship with customers
- Create Seeds with semi-real data without factories
- Create a Filament Resource for Lead sources
- Add a DeleteAction to the table with validation if that record is used
- Add lead source information to the Customer Resource table/form
- Divide the menu into two levels: introduce Settings parent menu item
3. **Creating Customers Resource**
- Create DB structure for Customers: Model/Migration
- Create Factories/Seeds for testing data
- Generate Filament Resource directly from the DB structure
- Hide the deleted_at column from the table
- Merge first_name and last_name into one table column
4. **Creating Tags for Customers**
- Create tags DB structure: Model/Migration and a belongsToMany relationship with customers
- Create Seeds with semi-real data without factories
- Create a Filament Resource for Tags
- Add a ColorPicker field to the form and a ColorColumn column to the table
- Add a DeleteAction to the table with validation if that record is used
- Add tags to the Customer form with Select::make()->multiple()
- Add tags to the Customer table in the same column of name using formatStateUsing() and rendering a separate Blade View
5. **Pipeline Stages Resource: Reorderable**
- Create pipeline_stages DB structure: Model/Migration and a hasMany relationship to customers
- Create Seeds with semi-real data without factories
- Create a Filament Resource for Pipeline Stages
- Auto-assign the new position to a new Pipeline Stage
- Make the table reorderable with the position field
- Add a Custom Action Set Default with confirmation
- Add a DeleteAction to the table with validation if that record is used
- Add pipeline stage information to the Customer Resource table/form
6. **Moving Customers through Pipeline Stages**
- Create a CustomerPipelineStage Model to save the history of the Customer's Pipeline Stage changes and any comments added.
- Add a custom Table Action to move customers to other pipeline stages.
- Add creating and updating action Observers to our Customer Model to save the history.
7. **Customers by Stage: Tabs with Numbers**
- Dynamically create tabs for each Pipeline Stage
- Create a new tab called All to show all Customers
- Add counters to each tab to show how many Customers are in each group
8. **SoftDeletes: Archive and Restore Customers**
- Add the Archived tab to the Customers table
- Add Delete button to the table
- Add the Restore button to the Archived tab
- Disable row click on the Archived tab
9. **Customer View Page with Infolist**
10. **Customer Documents: Upload/Download**
11. **Custom Fields for Customers**

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