Autoroute is a service to process notifications from AWS Autoscaling groups to add Route53 weighted records.
The service can be run directly, or by using the provided upstart script. When run in EC2 it can use an Instance Role. The Access Key and Secret key can be passed in as arguments, or can be environment variables. -l debug -q autoroute
The log output can be found at /var/log/upstart/autoroute.log
To simplify and speed up deployment this project comes with the Instance Role, AMI build scripts, and Cloud Formation Template.
Create an IAM role off of aws/roles.json.
This project uses Packer to build the AMI to be deployed. The base AMI is Ubuntu 13.04.
packer build packer.json
A script is included to replace the defaults in the Cloud Formation Template.
aws/ -g default -g services -k default -r autoroute-role -o "-q my-autoroute" -a us-east-1,ami-xyz > customized-template.json