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This is a pipeline that will take raw data, such as FASTQ files, or a BAM file as input and give a filtered human readable output. The purpose is to simplify and make the bioinformatic analysis easier to reproduce.

The steps include mapping, SNP calling, Fst statistics, filtering and plotting of the results.

The pipeline is also able to obtain various coverage-related statistics from read mapping results


  • The pipeline will give you a summary of the analysis in table format with effect prediction and annotated variants
  • Fst can be calculated using the utility scripts or, this will give you a table with Fst values and a plot of the results
  • If you want to plot a specific contig use the additional program

Basic usage examples

For all optional arguments, see the Bamboozle wiki or use <command> -h

Function Example syntax Notes
(Sorted) BAM input pipeline -f <ref> {-F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} [options] Run SNP calling pipeline
Coverage statistics coverage {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} [options] Find the percentage of bases in an assembly with >= Nx coverage; can also output this information (and overlapping genes) in a BED file
Consensus sequence consensus -f <ref> {-F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} -c <contig> -a <range> [options] Extracting consensus sequence of aligned reads from a specific region of the reference sequence
Zero coverage zero -f <ref> {-F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} -c <contig> [options] Finding areas of zero coverage and printing the reference sequence, along with a GC percentage
Identify deletions 1 deletion1 {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} [options] Identify deletions and print every deletion position
Identify deletions 2 deletion2 {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} [options] Identify deletions and combine adjacent positions into discrete events
Identify deletions 3 deletion3 {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} [options] Identify deletions and only report events resulting in a frameshift (i.e. not divisible by 3)
Idenitfy deletions within exons deletionx {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} -x <bed> [options] Identify deletions events occuring within exons
Identify homozygous/heterozygous deletions homohetero {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} [options] Compares coverage between a deletion and the previous position to try and determine whether a deletion is homozygous or heterozygous
Identify deviation from median (complex) median {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} --complex [options] Find regions which differ from the contig median by +/- 50%, and output them in .bed format
Identify deviation from median (simple) median {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} --simple [options] Output the median for one or all contigs in .txt format
Identify longest stretch of a given coverage long_coverage {-f <ref> -F <fwd> -R <rev> | -b <bam>} -c <contig> -l <upper limit> <lower limit> [options] Identify the longest stretch in a given contig which has coverage between two specified limits
Identify potential barcode regions barcode -f <ref> -b <bam1> <bam2> ... <bamN> -o <prefix> [options] Output BED and TXT files of coordinates for potential barcoding regions in the specified BAM files
Run loss-of-function pipeline lof [ADD OPTIONS HERE] [ADD DESCRIPTION HERE]

Utility script Description Fst statistics using BAM file from the SAMtools step as input. Uses genotype likelihoods to calculate Fst values, preferred if coverage is low or medium. Fst statistics using VCFtools --weir-fst-pop takes vcf files from the SnpEff step as input. Makes an interactive plot of either the ANGSD csv results or the VCFtools csv results by specifying the contig you want to plot. Outputs a html file.


Program Versions used
Bamboozle Bowtie2/v2.3.3.1
Java (for snpEff)
( NumPy and Levenshtein Python libraries
angsd_fst angsd/v0.918
vcftools_fst VCFtools/v0.1.13
make_plot Highcharts/v6.2.0

More information

Additional notes

  • coverage

    • -c flag is optional; if not specified, analysis will be run on the whole assembly
    • -d flag is optional; if not specified, coverage of >= 20x will be reported
    • If the -o flag is specified, a BED file of regions with coverage above the threshold will be generated
      • The --gff flag can also be specified, which labels the above BED file with any gene models overlapping the high-coverage windows
    • Requires a version of samtools which allows the depth -aa option
    • Percentage values are rounded to 3 decimal places
  • consensus

    • This function needs to be fixed...
  • zero

    • Percentage values are rounded to 3 decimal places
  • deletion1, deletion2, deletion3, deletionx and homohetero

    • -c flag is optional; if not specified, analysis will be run on the whole assembly
    • These functions use the default threshold of 20 for assessing the surrounding coverage; -t can therefore be used to try and find deletions in lower-coverage areas, however this hasn't been extensively tested
  • deletionx

    • -x flag - a .bed file of exons - is required
  • homohetero

    • Currently generates an (automatically-deleted) intermediate file
  • barcode

    • Note that the bed file output uses 0-based coordinates, so the start positions are one lower than the actual start positions; the coordinates in the txt file output are correct
    • In addition to the bed and txt file output, this function also generates bgzipped vcf files and their respective index files
    • It is recommended to run the following commands after barcode has been run, to refine results and remove any areas of zero coverage (these commands can be refined for more stringent coverage filters):
      • For each input BAM file: bedtools genomecov -bga -ibam INFILE.bam > OUTFILE.bed
      • cat *.bed | grep -P "\t0$" | sort | uniq > ZeroCov.bed
      • bedtools intersect -v -a barcode_results.bed -b ZeroCov.bed > BarcodesWithCoverage.bed

Features to add/things to address

  • Allow -c flag to accept multiple contigs (one dictionary per contig?)

    • Would therefore need to add additional arguments into both coverage-related functions...
  • Move print statement out of coverage_stats function

  • Refine deletion function to allow it to output differences between datasets, e.g. where deletions occur in one subset of the data but not another (e.g between two different environmental conditions)

  • Refine handling of borderline deletion cases

    • e.g. a three bp heterozygous event where the first base is just outside the boundary of being reported
  • In HomoDel_or_Hetero function, find a way to eliminate the need for an intermediate file

  • Any way to speed things up when searching a contig later in the .bam file?

  • SPEED-UP CAN BE ACHIEVED USING samtools depth -aa -r

    • Can't speed up functions which use bedtools genomecov, e.g. zero
      • Speed is definitely an issue here...
  • Code can be simplified thanks to this flag...

  • Add function for giving MEAN average, instead of/as well as median

  • homohetero function bugs out if there is only one event in a given contig (next never assigned)

  • Add mutual exclusivity to FASTQ/BAM input

Known bugs

  • In the consensus sequence function, it is possible for two different comma-separated alternatives to be printed together in the output

  • The homohetero function errors out if only one event occurs in a contig (as the next variable is never assigned)


Preprint available on bioRxiv: