51. Monte Carlo method Wikipedia
Monte Carlo method to calculate value of Pi using ratio of square and circle.
Plotting rectangle, circle and points up to n = 50 000.
getPiCircle[points_, n_] := N[4*Mean[If[Norm[#] < 1, 1, 0] & /@ points], 5];
gPlot2D[points_, n_] := Module[{},
pi = getPiCircle[points, n];
gRectangle = {White, EdgeForm[Black], Rectangle[{-1, -1}, {1, 1}]};
gCircle = Circle[];
gPoints = {If[Norm[#] < 1, Green, Red], PointSize[.002], Point[#]} & /@ points;
gPi = Text[StringForm["Pi = ``", pi], {0, 1.1}];
gN = Text[StringForm["n = ``", n], {0, 1.2}];
Show[Graphics[{gRectangle, gCircle, gPoints, gPi, gN}], ImageSize -> Large]
n = 50000;
points = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {n, 2}];
frames = Table[gPlot2D[Take[points, {1, i}], i], {i, 500, 50000, 500}];
Second method calculates Pi in 3D coordinates using ratio of cube and sphere.
Plotting cube, sphere and points up to n = 50 000.
getPiSphere[points_, n_] := N[6*Mean[If[Norm[#] < 1, 1, 0] & /@ points], 5];
gPlot3D[points_, n_] := Module[{},
pi = getPiSphere[points, n];
gSphere = {Opacity[.1], Sphere[{0, 0, 0}]};
gPoints = {If[Norm[#] < 1, Green, Red], PointSize[.004], Point[#]} & /@ points;
gPi = "Pi = " <> ToString@pi;
gN = "n = " <> ToString@n;
Show[Graphics3D[{gSphere, gPoints}], ImageSize -> Large, Epilog -> {Inset[gN, {.02, 0.99}], Inset[gPi, {.02, 0.96}]}]
n = 50000;
points = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {n, 3}];
frames = Table[gPlot3D[Take[points, {1, i}], i], {i, 500, 50000, 500}];
52. Lagrange interpolation Wikipedia
Defining Lagrange interpolation function. Built-in function Interpolation also implements Lagrange polynomials.
interpolate[points_] := Module[{y = 0},
{xvalues, yvalues} = points;
If[i != j, lx *= (x - xvalues[[i]])/(xvalues[[j]] - xvalues[[i]])], {i, 1, Length@xvalues}];
y += yvalues[[j]]*lx;
lx = 1;
}, {j, 1, Length@xvalues}];
Creating points on Sine wave.
points = Table[{i, 5*N@Sin[i]}, {i, 0, 32, 1}];
Drawing points, interpolating Sine function and plotting result.
gFunction[points_] := Plot[interpolate[Transpose[points]], {x, 0, First@Last@points}, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {{0, 10*Pi}, {-6, 6}}, Ticks -> {Table[t, {t, 0, 10*Pi, Pi}], {-10, -5, 0, 5, 10}}];
gPoints[points_] := ListPlot[points, PlotStyle -> Red];
gPlot[points_] := Show[gFunction[points], gPoints[points], ImageSize -> Large];
frames = Table[gPlot[Take[points, {1, i}]], {i, 2, Length@points}];
53. Least Squares Wikipedia Linear Regression MIT 18.02SC
Simulating data.
data = {#, 2 + 0.5*# + RandomReal[{-5, 5}]} & /@ RandomReal[{-10, 10}, 100];
Defining Least squares function explicitly. Built-in function LeastSquares.
Plotting result
draw[data_] := Module[{},
{xi, yi} = Transpose[data];
{a1, b1} = {a, b} /. First@Solve[{a*Total[xi^2] + b*Total[xi] == Total[xi*yi], a*Total[xi] + b*Length[xi] == Total[yi]}, {a, b}];
eq = b1 + a1*x;
gN = Graphics@Text[StringForm["n = ``", Length@data], {-8.5, 9.5}];
gA = Graphics@Text[StringForm["a = ``", a1], {-8.5, 9}];
gB = Graphics@Text[StringForm["b = ``", b1], {-8.5, 8.5}];
plot1 = ListPlot[Transpose[{xi, yi}], PlotStyle -> Blue, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> {{-10, 10}, {-10, 10}}];
plot2 = Plot[eq, {x, -10, 10}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Thin}];
Show[plot1, plot2, gN, gA, gB, ImageSize -> Large]
Folding points and creating frames.
points = Table[Take[data, {1, i}], {i, 2, Length@data}];
frames = Table[draw[points[[i]]], {i, 1, Length@points}];
54. k-NN classification Wikipedia GeeksforGeeks
Simulating data. Creating 10 green points, 10 blue points and 50 unclassified points.
data = Join[{#, Blue} & /@ RandomReal[{-5, 1}, {10, 2}], {#, Green} & /@ RandomReal[{-1, 5}, {10, 2}]];
unclassified = RandomReal[{-5, 5}, {50, 2}];
Calculating Euclidean distance between given point and data. Classifying given point with most common color.
Explicitly defined, built-in methods NearestNeighbors
distance[p1_, p2_] := N@Norm[(p1 - p2)^2];
classify[point_, data_, k_] := Module[{},
sorted = SortBy[{distance[point, #[[1]]], #[[2]]} & /@ data, First];
First@First@GatherBy[Take[sorted[[All, 2]], {1, k}]]
Visualizing data.
visualizePoints[data_] := Table[{data[[i, 2]], PointSize[.02], Point[data[[i, 1]]]}, {i, 1, Length@data}];
draw[data_] := Show[VoronoiMesh[data[[All, 1]], {{-5, 5}, {-5, 5}}, PlotTheme -> "Monochrome"], Graphics[visualizePoints[data]], ImageSize -> Large];
Classifying data, k=1.
k = 1;
classified = Table[{unclassified[[i]], classify[unclassified[[i]], data, k]}, {i,1, Length@unclassified}];
55. Naive Bayes classifier Wikipedia Saed Sayad
Simulating data. Creating 10 of each red/green/blue points on (x,y) plane. Distributed according to normal distribution.
createData[mu_, class_, n_] := Table[{RandomVariate[MultinormalDistribution[mu, IdentityMatrix[2]]], class}, {i, 1, n}];
data = {createData[{0, -2}, Red, 10], createData[{-2, 2}, Green, 10], createData[{2, 2}, Blue, 10]};
unclassified = RandomReal[{-4, 4}, {100, 2}];
Defining Normal distrubution PDF formula, we use it to calculate probability.
normalDist[t_, std_, mean_] := 1/(Sqrt[2*Pi]*std)*E^-((t - mean)^2/(2*std^2));
probability[point_, class_] := normalDist[First@point, StandardDeviation[class[[All, 1]]], Mean[class[[All, 1]]]]*normalDist[Last@point, StandardDeviation[class[[All, 2]]], Mean[class[[All, 2]]]];
Classifying data, sorting results according to probabilities and choosing most popular result.
Built-in method NaiveBayes
classify[data_, point_] := Module[{},
{red, green, blue} = data;
pRed = {Red, probability[point, red[[All, 1]]]};
pGreen = {Green, probability[point, green[[All, 1]]]};
pBlue = {Blue, probability[point, blue[[All, 1]]]};
color = First@Last@SortBy[{pRed, pGreen, pBlue}, Last];
{point, color}
classified = Table[classify[data, unclassified[[i]]], {i, 1, Length@unclassified}];
56. Gradient Descent Wikipedia
Simulating data. Generating points with normally distributed noise. Original slope a = 3 and intercept b = -10.
function [X, Y] = generate_data(N)
% Generate 2D linear dataset
X = 2 * 2 * randn(N, 1);
Y = 3 * X - 10 + randn(N, 1);
Single step calculates and minimizes error function
function [slope, intercept] = gd_step(X, Y, slope, intercept, rate)
N = size(Y, 1);
% Y-hat = predicted Y
Y_hat = slope * X + intercept;
% Error function to be minimized
error = (Y - Y_hat);
% Derivatives
D_slope = (-2/N) * sum(X .* error);
D_intercept = (-2/N) * sum(error);
% Calculating new values
slope = slope - rate * D_slope;
intercept = intercept - rate * D_intercept;
Iterating until max_step is reached. Saving slope and intercept for animation.
function [history_slope, history_intercept, history_cost] = gradient_descent(X, Y, max_steps, rate)
% Calculating slope, intercept and cost on each step
for i=1:max_steps
history_slope(i,:) = current_slope;
history_intercept(i,:) = current_intercept;
history_cost(i,:) = sum((Y - (current_slope * X + current_intercept)).^2) / size(Y, 1);
[current_slope, current_intercept] = gd_step(X, Y, current_slope, current_intercept, rate);
57. Stepwise Regression Wikipedia
Simulating data. Generating 3D points with significant noise. Original slope a1 = 1 and a2 = 5.
function [X, Y] = generate_data(N)
% Generate 3D linear dataset
X1 = 0.5 * randn(N, 1);
X2 = 0.5 * randn(N, 1);
Y = 1 * X1 + 5 * X2 + randn(N, 1);
% Add significant noise
X1 = [X1; -10 + 20*rand(20,1)];
X2 = [X2; -10 + 20*rand(20,1)];
Y = [Y; -10 + 20*rand(20,1)];
Defining stepwise regression running function. Running F-test on data to remove points with significant variance. Using mean squares method to calculate parameters. Using R^2 to validate model and if model not good enough then going for next iteration.
% Stepwise regression
function [R_squared_performance, X, Y, slope, intercept, slope_history, intercept_history] = stepwise_regression(X, Y, iterations, R_squared_limit, alpha)
for i=1:iterations
% F-test
[idx] = f_test(X, Y, alpha);
% Selecting passed test points
X = X(idx == 0,:);
Y = Y(idx == 0,:);
% Calculating R^2
[slope, intercept] = mean_squares(X, Y);
R_squared = R_squared_custom(X, Y, slope, intercept);
% Used for animation
slope_history(i,:) = slope;
intercept_history(i,:) = intercept;
% Used for tracking learning rate
R_squared_performance(i,:) = [i, R_squared];
% Loop end condition
if R_squared > R_squared_limit
Running implemented stepwise model builder with initial parameters: max_iterations = 20, minimum R^2 value = 0.95 and alpha = 0.02.
[R_squared_performance, ~, ~, slope, intercept, history_slope, history_intercept] = stepwise_regression(X, Y, 20, 0.95, 0.02);
Defining function for gradient boosting. Using decision stumps as weak models.
% Gradient boosting algorithm
function [error_history, y_hat] = gradient_boosting(X, Y, epochs)
Y_temp = Y;
N = size(Y_temp, 1);
y_hat = zeros(N, 1);
error_history = zeros(epochs, 1);
% Training model
for i=1:epochs
% Creating stump
stump = fitrtree(X,Y_temp,'minparent',size(X,1),'prune','off','mergeleaves','off');
% Splitting data in two parts
cut_point = stump.CutPoint(1);
left_idx = find(X <= cut_point);
right_idx = find(X > cut_point);
% Calculating residuals for each part
residuals = zeros(N, 1);
residuals(left_idx) = mean(Y_temp(left_idx));
residuals(right_idx) = mean(Y_temp(right_idx));
% Predicting new Y value
y_hat = y_hat + residuals;
error = Y - y_hat;
Y_temp = error;
% Saving error for plotting
error_history(i,:) = sum(abs(error));
Creating data and running model for N epochs.
[X, Y] = create_data();
for i=1:N
[error_history, Y_hat] = gradient_boosting(X, Y, i);