This is a New Mexico State University latex-beamer theme.
I've used the city naming scheme for this theme, LasCruces, where New Mexico State University main campus is located.
Copy the beamerthemeLasCruces.sty and colorsLasCruces.sty to your working directory.
If you are going to use the theme often, it is best to "install" it. If my $HOME directory is /home/antonio, the path /home/antonio/texmf/tex/latex/ must be created if it doesn't already exist. If it exists, skip the first command.
To create the path use the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/latex
cp beamerthemeLasCruces.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/
cp colorsLasCruces.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/
texhash ~/texmf/tex/latex/
Once the theme is installed, add the following lines at the top of your tex file:
Add the following lines to your tex file
\newcommand{\UniName}{New Mexico State University}
\newcommand{\UniDeptName}{Computer Science}
See lascruces_example.tex for more details.
The logos have been moved to the images
directory. This will also provide some organization when
including many images in the presentation.
I have included the option to have one or two logos on the title page.
For one logo, the file images/uni_logo.jpg
is expected.
For two logos, the files images/uni_logo.jpg
and images/uni_dept_logo.jpg
are expected.