These are R scripts to reproduce the analyses in Wallis, Dorr & Bex (in press).
These files are released under the GPL-3 License. I don't offer any support. You are welcome to send me an email but I make no claim that I will (be able to) help, particularly if you are attempting to use a different platform or setup than mine (I'm running on OSX 10.9 with RStudio; the MCMC sampling was conducted on a Debian distribution).
IMPORTANT: If you adapt any part of these scripts for your own academic work, please help keep me employed by citing the following paper:
Wallis, T. S. A., Dorr, M., & Bex, P. J. (2015). Sensitivity to gaze-contingent contrast increments in naturalistic movies: An exploratory report and model comparison. Journal of Vision, 15(8), 3.
The main file is analysis_master.R
in the parent directory. Use this as a guide to follow all the analyses.
Other directories are:
- /output/ contains data used for analysis. These are currently distributed as R binaries to reduce file size, but if you want .csv files let me know.
- /funs/ contains all scripts and functions to produce the analysis and figures. There are also a bunch of legacy functions included for completeness that were not used in the final paper, and may no longer run.
We have chosen not to provide the raw-est of raw data or MCMC samples here due to size limitations (these files are very large). If you need them, please contact me. They may go up on a different venue at some time; if so I will provide a link here.
The analyses in the paper were performed in R using various libraries. By looking through the analysis_master.R
file you can determine which scripts in the /funs/ directory to run in which order (or just source analysis_master.R
. There may be problems with paths, particularly if you're running a windows system (this code uses hard-coded /
characters for directory separation; sorry).
I've tried to compile a list of dependencies for these scripts here. These packages are required to run all the scripts to reproduce the analysis. If I've left something off please let me know.
- Rstan (available from
- wutils (available from my github here)
- psybayes (available from my github here)
Everything else is on CRAN:
- plyr
- dplyr
- xtable
- ggplot2
- reshape2
- scales
- grid
- gridExtra
- mgcv
- ggmcmc
The MCMC samples reported in the paper were all performed using Stan version 2.2.0.
Copyright 2013, Thomas Wallis.
This is free, open source software released under the GPL-3 License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
Use this software at your own risk.