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tomvita edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 29 revisions

Welcome to the Breeze-Beta wiki!

Installing / Updating

  1. This app support in app updating. Use "Download" "Check for app update" and if there is update then "Install app update" is enabled use it to update the app. If you just want to reinstall the app use "Redownload" to enable the "Install app update".
  2. You can manually install/update by downloading and place the contents from this zip file on the root of your sd card, go ahead to overwrite existing file if present.

Navigating the UI

  1. This app has two type of panels. Data panel and button panel. Buttons on button panel is use to activate actions and data panel present data and allow users to pick which data to be act on by the buttons. When there is two panel shown, data panel is on the left and button panel is on the right.
  2. When data panel is shown either lstick or dpad is used for choosing items on this panel. (Configurable in setting). Up and down move the cursor one step and left and right move the cursor 10 steps.
  3. The unused lstick or dpad is used to navigate the button panel. Use this control to choose the buttons and press A to activate it.
  4. Short cut keys may be assigned to the buttons. Pressing these also will activate the buttons.
  5. This app support full touch control. Use touch and scroll to select data and touch the button to activate the associated actions.

Getting / loading cheats

Cheat database

  1. Breeze will make use of a database of cheats and automatically load it for you when you launch Breeze if there isn't any cheat that is already loaded.
  2. To get the database you can use the in app download feature. Activate these buttons "Download" "Check for cheat database update" "Install Cheat database update".
  3. Alternatively you can get it from Put "" in "sdmc:/switch/breeze/cheats".

Manual placement of cheat files

  1. "sdmc:/atmosphere/contents/(titleid)/cheats/(buildid).txt". This is where cheatVM will automatically load from and the file will be use by every other apps. Will be already loaded for you when the game launch but you can use "Load Cheats from atm" to reload it (if you have put or made changes to the file after you launch the game).
  2. "sdmc:/switch/breeze/cheats/(titleid)/(buildid).txt" or "sdmc:/switch/breeze/cheats/<title name>/(buildid).txt" depending on "setting" "Use titleid =?". Use "Load Cheats from file" button to load it.
  3. If the above two option is too hard, any file name you like as long as you can remember it and place it in "sdmc:/switch/breeze/cheats/(any filename)". Use "More" "any cheats from breeze/cheats" and pick the file

Picking individual cheats from file

  1. You may already have a cheat file that you are using when you saw there are some nice new cheats available that you want to add to this file.
  2. You don't need to manually edit your favorite cheat file to get the new cheats. You can pick cheats and add it to existing cheat file with Breeze.
  3. Use "More" "Choose individual cheats from breeze/cheats" pick the file, pick the cheats, use "Back" to pick another file or "Return to cheat menu" to return and remember to save your change.

Customising cheats for everyone

  1. Basic customization of cheats can be made without any knowledge of making cheats. You only need to read the follow instructions.

Saving the change you made

  1. There are two buttons for this.
  2. "Write Cheat to atm" will make the change to the file that atmosphere's cheatVM load cheats from. This option will change the cheat that you get from all other cheat management app.
  3. "Write Cheat to file" will write the code to cheat directory only used by Breeze. This cheat will not be loaded until you launch Breeze and request for it by activating the "Load Cheats from file" button.

Change cheat name

  1. Don't like the name the author gave and prefer something else? You can easily change it to what ever you like.
  2. Activate "Edit Cheat" button.
  3. The first line is the cheat name.
  4. Activate "Edit" button.
  5. If you are happy with the edit activate the "Save" button.

Change cheat value

  1. Most cheat change a value in the game. For example Gold, HP, EXP etc etc.
  2. Sometimes you just want a little help at some stage of the game and don't want to remove the challenge and fun of earning them yourself and the cheat is simply giving too much.
  3. Sometimes the cheat is giving too little in quantity of what you want and you want much more.
  4. To edit the value activate "Edit Cheat" button.
  5. The value is change by code type 0, 3, 6. There is a button that you bring you to these code or you can navigate to the correct entry.
  6. The next thing is to guess the datatype. There is three buttons for you to use: "Edit u32" "Edit f32" "Edit f64".
  7. Normally you can tell if you select the wrong button if the number does not look right.
  8. Change the value and test the cheat. Repeat if you don't get what you want.

Changing / Adding conditional key / key combo

  1. Some cheats has conditional key / key combo. The cheat only activates when you press the conditional key / key combo.
  2. Breeze will display the key / key combo in front of cheat name.
  3. Some times you may find that you didn't like the key / key combo that was chosen by the author.
  4. Some times you don't want to have conditional key / key combo and prefer the cheat to be active all the time.
  5. Some times you want to have conditional key when the author didn't include one.
  6. Activate "Remove conditional key" button to achieve the stated purpose.
  7. Activate "Add conditional key" to add or modify the conditional key / key combo.
  8. (The number of keys you can use in a key combo is defined in settings menu. Use "Combo keys =" button to cycle from 1 to 6.)
  9. Press the keys you want to use in the key combo one at a time. The keys you press until the count down reach 0 will be in the combo. You can press the same key more than once.

Changing a moon jump into a hover

  1. There are many use for a hover in addition to a moon jump.
  2. Activate "Paste/Duplicate Cheat" button. (If you have previously activated "Cut Cheat" button you need to activate "Clear clipboard" button first)
  3. Edit the cheat name.
  4. Edit the value to a smaller one (most moon jumps are f32).
  5. Change the key combo.
  6. Check if the new value make the player rise or fall. Adjust the value until the character hovers.
  7. Save the cheats.