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Basics of Search

tomvita edited this page Feb 28, 2023 · 17 revisions

If you see a number on game screen and want to change it

Data types

Data types is how the bits in memory are representing numbers

u8, u16, u32, s8, s16, s32

Integer of 8, 16 and 32 bit respectively. u8, u16, u32 are unsigned integer and s8, s16, s32 are signed integers. u32 is the most common, u16 is used by 16 bit games, u8 is sometimes used by game that combine two attribute into one variable. The signed variant is when the most significant bit is the sign bit.

f32, f64

f32 is single precision floating point, f64 is double precision floating point.

what you see is what you search

The most commonly used types are u32, f32, f64. "=*" will perform a search for these two types that equal to the value you enter. Just enter the value and perform the search. Go play the game and see that the value changed then come back and repeat the search. Do this for some iteration until the number of candidates is small enough.

test the candidates to see which one is the right one

You modify the value and see if you get the desired effect.

Display value is same as effective value

Change the value and see the update on screen, found the one, job done

Display value is not same as effective value

Sometimes the display value and the effective value are not the same. The effective value is updated on screen only when the game change it, when you change it the update don't happen on screen. The update only comes when the game update the value.

didn't find any good candidate?

Try a different datatype and repeat the search. Usually u16 is the next one, then u8

still didn't find any good candidate?

Try unknown search