Refreshes folders of plain-text lists in sync with your evolving rules
This will be a completely new reimplementation of the script previously known as shuffle (1994), shawkle (2006), (2011), originally planned as a project to incrementally improve under various names (listmunger, puralista, ascilist).
A frozen, stable, copy of shawkle is included in this project, for reference, under the name, along with, an alternative algorithm for a key part of the script.
Add mklists as an environment variable.
$ alias mklists='python /absolute/path/to/'
Change to the directory for list making.
$ cd /change/to/your/lists/folder
Run mklists
$ mklists
- Unit tests (most of the code is about testing data integrity anyway) - will start with these
- Configuration files in YAML
- Default configuration file generated when program first run
- Per-directory configuration not just of rules, but of all options (over-rideable with command-line switches)
- Object-oriented design (overkill?)
- Display process information at various levels of verbosity, or optionally write out event log
- Python distribution package
- Running mklists for the first time will generate a default configuration file, .mklistsrc
- Tweaks folders of plain-text lists as you edit your evolving rules
- Rearranges folders of plain-text lists according to your evolving rules
- Refreshes folders of plain-text lists to match your evolving rules
- Synchs folders of plain-text lists to match your evolving rules
- Tweaks folders of plain-text lists in synch with evolving content rules
2012-12-26. First posted. 2013-01-20. Add test data, frozen reference copy of