A simple Reinforcement Learning Car AI using Proximal Policy Optimization
Implementation using Unity ML-agent
Contents - 目次
There are many different methods to set up the environment, and many methods are heuristic. They are flexible for changes based on the goal you want to achieve during the training process.
In my implementation, my method is mainly based on Blocks Method which will be explained in following section.
Setting a lot of checkpoint over the roads, the agent will learn how to reach the next checkpoint as fast as possible.
Usually car will shoot rays to detect the distance between car and checkpoint plane
Advantages : Easy to setup, fits any kinds of race track
Disadvantages : You have to manually set up checkpoint planes for the track. It can be done automatically, however it may come some failure cases where you have to adjust by yourself.
Separate the road track by blocks, different blocks will give the agent a different desired direction. I used 3 different blocks, straight, turn left 90, turn right 90 degree.
Advantages : If the car trained to be able to handle all different blocks, then theoretically any kind of race track made by the default blocks could work well.
Disadvantages : You only can use the race track made by the pre-defined blocks.
As you can see, the cars will always fail at the 180 degree left turn.
The reason is, I didn't include 180 left turn at the beginning part of the track, the agents spend too much iterations to learn how to 90 degree turns, and drive straight
It makes them hard to optimize to deal with a 180 degree left turn because the neural network's weights are trained too much iternations with 90 degree turns.
Solution is making a new track,and make sure the new track includes all possible turns at beginning part of the track. So the cars could fully learn all possible turns by taking advantages of initial random sampled action.
Now the new track contains, left 90, right 90, left 180 (2x left 90), right 180 (2x right 90), and straight road at the beginning.
Agents could quickly adapts the all possible situations and weights are optimized to handle all kinds of turns.
Step: 200000.
Time Elapsed: 628.180 s.
Mean Reward: 48.482.
Std of Reward: 59.216.
x3 speed training record
Run the agent in different race tracks to test its performance
On original race track
On cycle race track
On random race track
3rd person view
Number of observation states : 7 , including 6 rays check the surrounds, return the distance between car and wall, another extra state store the angle between car and desired moving direction
Number of actions : 2, forward speed and turning speed
Reward: take the displacement between 2 frames, if car going toward desired direction, giving a positive reward proportional to the displacement, 0 if going backward, -1 if hit wall and shut down simulation immediately.
Higher number of hidden units or layers will cause overfitting
Training Parameters
trainer_type: ppo
batch_size: 10
buffer_size: 100
learning_rate: 3.0e-4
beta: 5.0e-4
epsilon: 0.2
lambd: 0.95
num_epoch: 3
learning_rate_schedule: linear
beta_schedule: constant
epsilon_schedule: linear
normalize: false
hidden_units: 128
num_layers: 2
gamma: 0.99
strength: 1.0
max_steps: 500000
time_horizon: 64
summary_freq: 10000