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Kafunk NuGet Status

Kafunk is a Kafka client written in F#.

See the home page for details.

Please also join the F# Open Source Group

Version Support

Version Status
0.9.0 Complete
0.10.0 Complete
0.10.1 Complete

Hello World

open Kafunk
open System

let conn = Kafka.connHost "existential-host"

// metadata

let metadata = 
  Kafka.metadata conn (Metadata.Request([|"absurd-topic"|])) 
  |> Async.RunSynchronously

for b in metadata.brokers do
  printfn "broker|host=%s port=%i nodeId=%i" b.port b.nodeId

for t in metadata.topicMetadata do
  printfn "topic|topic_name=%s topic_error_code=%i" t.topicName t.topicErrorCode
  for p in t.partitionMetadata do
    printfn "topic|topic_name=%s|partition|partition_id=%i" t.topicName p.partitionId

// producer

let producerCfg =
  ProducerConfig.create ("absurd-topic", Partitioner.roundRobin, requiredAcks = RequiredAcks.Local)

let producer =
  Producer.createAsync conn producerCfg
  |> Async.RunSynchronously

let prodRes =
  Producer.produce producer [| ProducerMessage.ofBytes ("hello world"B) |]
  |> Async.RunSynchronously

for (p,offset) in prodRes.offsets do
  printfn "partition=%i offset=%i" p offset

// consumer

let consumerCfg = 
  ConsumerConfig.create ("consumer-group", "absurd-topic")

let consumer =
  Consumer.create conn consumerCfg

// commit on every message set

|> Consumer.consume (fun (s:GroupMemberState) (ms:ConsumerMessageSet) -> async {
  printfn "member_id=%s topic=%s partition=%i" s.memberId ms.topic ms.partition
  do! Consumer.commitOffsets consumer (ConsumerMessageSet.commitPartitionOffsets ms) })
|> Async.RunSynchronously

// commit periodically

|> Consumer.consumePeriodicCommit 
    (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 10.0) 
    (fun (s:GroupMemberState) (ms:ConsumerMessageSet) -> async {
      printfn "member_id=%s topic=%s partition=%i" s.memberId ms.topic ms.partition })
|> Async.RunSynchronously

// commit consumer offsets explicitly

Consumer.commitOffsets consumer [| 0, 1L |]
|> Async.RunSynchronously

// commit consumer offsets explicitly to a relative time

Consumer.commitOffsetsToTime consumer Time.EarliestOffset
|> Async.RunSynchronously

// get current consumer state

let consumerState = 
  Consumer.state consumer
  |> Async.RunSynchronously

printfn "generation_id=%i member_id=%s leader_id=%s assignment_stratgey=%s partitions=%A" 
  consumerState.generationId consumerState.memberId consumerState.leaderId consumerState.assignmentStrategy consumerState.assignments 

// fetch offsets of a consumer group for all topics

let consumerOffsets =
  Consumer.fetchOffsets conn "consumer-group" [||]
  |> Async.RunSynchronously

for (t,os) in consumerOffsets do
  for (p,o) in os do
    printfn "topic=%s partition=%i offset=%i" t p o

// fetch topic offset information

let offsets = 
  Offsets.offsets conn "absurd-topic" [] [ Time.EarliestOffset ; Time.LatestOffset ] 1
  |> Async.RunSynchronously

for kvp in offsets do
  for (tn,offsets) in kvp.Value.topics do
    for p in offsets do
      printfn "time=%i topic=%s partition=%i offsets=%A" kvp.Key tn p.partition p.offsets



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