thinpl is a simple and thin plugin manager for Vim 8
- Vim 8
- +packages
- +job
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/thinpl/start
git clone ~/.vim/pack/thinpl/start/thinpl
vim ~/.vim/plugins.vim
# and edit plugins.vim
" add a plugin to ~/.vim/pack/thinpl/opt and packadd
" 常に使うpluginならaddするだけ
call thinpl#add('w0ng/vim-hybrid')
" call this at the end!
" pluginを追加し終わったら最後にこれを呼ぶ
call thinpl#setup_plugins()
" Use a local plugin
" リモートからcloneせずにローカルのものも使えます
let plugin = thinpl#add('swift_vim')
let plugin.repository = ''
let plugin.local_location = '~/repos/apple/swift/utils/vim'
" This plugin loads when becomes specific filetypes
" 特定のfiletypeのときだけpluginを読み込むこともできます
let plugin = thinpl#add('swift-dict.vim')
let plugin.filetype = ['swift']
" This plugin loads specific autocmds as a trigger
" autocmdをトリガーにpluginを読み込むこともできます
let plugin = thinpl#add('kana/vim-smartinput')
let plugin.autocmd = ["InsertEnter"]
" This plugin loads specific commands as a trigger
" 特定のcommandを実行しようとしたときに読み込むこともできます
let plugin = thinpl#add('sjl/gundo.vim')
let plugin.command = ['Gundo*']
" This plugin loads specific functions as a trigger"
" 特定のfunctionを呼ぼうとしたときに読み込ませることもできます
let plugin = thinpl#add('tokorom/foo')
let plugin.function = ['foo#*']
" Use prepare function
" prepare()を定義するとVim起動時にこれが呼ばれます
let plugin = thinpl#add('tokorom/bar')
function! plugin.prepare() abort
let g:bar#base_dir = '~/bar'
" Use will_load function
" will_load()を定義するとpluginが読み込まれる前に呼ばれます
let plugin = thinpl#add('ale')
function! plugin.will_load() abort
let g:ale_lint_on_save = 1
let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 0
" Use did_load function
" did_load()を定義するとpluginが読み込まれた後に呼ばれます
let plugin = thinpl#add('airblade/vim-gitgutter')
let plugin.autocmd = ['BufWrite']
function! plugin.did_load() abort
call gitgutter#all(1)
" this is default value
let g:thinpl#plugins_file = '~/.vim/plugins.vim'
" this is default value
let g:thinpl#git_clone_location = '~/thinpl/repos'
" this is default value
let g:thinpl#packname = 'thinpl'
" ~/.vim/pack/thinpl/opt
- Do not support Windows
- Do not support Vim 7 or less