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[Store] - Improve Scope func (#73)
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fixing placing scope func used useNewScope
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dikasetiadi authored Feb 15, 2023
1 parent c0e0b54 commit 71f5c11
Showing 1 changed file with 4 additions and 87 deletions.
91 changes: 4 additions & 87 deletions Sources/RxComposableArchitecture/Store.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -579,8 +579,6 @@ extension Store where State: Equatable {
/// ```
public typealias StoreOf<R: ReducerProtocol> = Store<R.State, R.Action>

// MARK: - Old Store function pre reducer protocol
#if swift(<5.7)
extension Store where State: Collection, State.Element: HashDiffable, State: Equatable, State.Element: Equatable {
A version of scope that scope an collection of sub store.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,6 +695,10 @@ extension Store where State: Collection, State.Element: HashDiffable, State: Equ

// MARK: - Old Store function pre reducer protocol
#if swift(<5.7)
private protocol AnyStoreScope {
func rescope<ScopedState, ScopedAction, RescopedState, RescopedAction>(
_ store: Store<ScopedState, ScopedAction>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,89 +857,4 @@ extension ScopedReducer: AnyScopedReducer {
return childStore

extension Store where State: Collection, State.Element: HashDiffable, State: Equatable, State.Element: Equatable {
A version of scope that scope an collection of sub store.

This is kinda a version of `ForEachStoreNode`, not composing `WithViewStore` but creates the sub store.

## Example
struct AppState { var todos: [Todo] }
struct AppAction { case todo(index: Int, action: TodoAction }

.drive(onNext: { todos in
self.todoNodes = zip(todos.indices, todos).map { (offset, _) in
TodoNode(with: store.scope(
identifier: identifier,
action: Action.todo(index:action:)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)

But with example above, you created the entire node again and again and it's not the efficient way.
You can do some diffing and only creating spesific index, and rest is handle by diffing.

- Parameters:
- identifier: the identifier from `IdentifierType` make sure index is in bounds of the collection
- action: A function to transform `LocalAction` to `Action`. `LocalAction` should have `(CollectionIndex, LocalAction)` signature.

- Returns: A new store with its domain (state and domain) transformed based on the index you set
public func scope<LocalAction>(
at identifier: State.Element.IdentifierType,
action fromLocalAction: @escaping (LocalAction) -> Action
) -> Store<State.Element, LocalAction>? {
self.threadCheck(status: .scope)
let toLocalState: (State.Element.IdentifierType, State) -> State.Element? = { identifier, state in
if current state is IdentifiedArray, use pre exist subscript by identifier, to improve performance
if let identifiedArray = state as? IdentifiedArrayOf<State.Element> {
return identifiedArray[id: identifier]
} else {
return state.first(where: { $ == identifier })

var isSending = false
// skip if element on parent state wasn't found
guard let element = toLocalState(identifier, state) else { return nil }

let localStore = Store<State.Element, LocalAction>.init(
initialState: element,
reducer: Reduce(internal: { localState, localAction in
isSending = true
defer { isSending = false }
if let task = self.send(fromLocalAction(localAction)) {
return .fireAndForget {
await task.cancellableValue
} else {
guard let finalState = toLocalState(identifier, self.state) else {
return .none
localState = finalState
return .none
useNewScope: useNewScope

.subscribe(onNext: { [weak localStore] newValue in
guard !isSending else { return }
guard let element = toLocalState(identifier, newValue) else { return }
localStore?.state = element
.disposed(by: localStore.disposeBag)

return localStore

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