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EVM VDF Verifier

This repository is a part of the On-chain Distributed Random Beacon (DRB) project. We're currently using Pietrzak VDF verifier for EVM. The related technical details are presented in our preprint (Arxiv).

State Diagram of Each Round of Proof of Fraud (will be updated)


  • The next round can only be executed after the previous round has been recovered or refunded.

Testnet deployment

Getting Started


  • git
    • You'll know you did it right if you can run git --version and you see a response like git version x.x.x
  • Nodejs
    • You'll know you've installed nodejs right if you can run:
      • node --version and get an output like: vx.x.x
      • It'll need to be at least 18.16.0 of node
  • Yarn instead of npm
    • You'll know you've installed yarn right if you can run:
      • yarn --version and get an output like: x.x.x
      • You might need to install it with npm or corepack


git clone
cd VDF-RNG-verifier

SET .env



EVM 'cancun' version (Local)

npx hardhat node --no-deploy
#Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at

npx hardhat deploy --network localhost --tags cancun --reset

to network that supports 'cancun'

## CHANGE in hardhat.config.ts files at network :{} section
npx hardhat deploy --network <NETWORK_NAME> --tags cancun --reset

to Titan network

npx hardhat deploy --network titan --tags paris --reset



npx hardhat test


#It runs test/CommitRevealRecoverRNG.test.ts
npx hardhat node
#Started HTTP and WebSocket JSON-RPC server at
npx hardhat test --network localhost

test coverage

npx hardhat coverage


Static Analysis (will be updated)

slither .


  • Solc Version: 0.8.24
  • We are managing contracts by splitting evmVersion into paris and cancun.
    • cancun is for using transient storage.
    • paris is for network Titan network (legacy optimism fork).
  • Chain(s) to deploy contract to: Ethereum, Sepolia, opSepolia, titan, titansepolia

Roles in Coordinator

  • Owner: The user who setSettingVariables
    • setting variables: disputePeriod, minimumDepositAmount, avgL2GasUsed, avgL1GasUsed, avgL1GasUsedForTitan, premiumPercentage, penaltyPercentage, flatFee
    • Decentralizing this Owner is not yet in the scope of this project.

Calculate Fees

  1. DirectFundingPrice

    • The cost of requesting a random number is calculated based on the optimistic case.

      • Optimistic case of one round:
        • 3 commits, 1 recover, 1 fulfill transaction fees.
      • Calculation formula:
        • ((tx.gasPrice * (callbackGasLimit + avgL2GasUsed)) * (premiumPercentage + 100)) / 100) + flatFee + getCurrentTxL1GasFee()
        • Definitions:
          • tx.gasPrice: Gas price when the current transaction is executed.
          • callbackGasLimit: Gas limit of the fulfillRandomWord function set by the Consumer. When the Coordinator contract calls the fulfillRandomWord function of the Consumer contract, if the gas usage exceeds the callbackGasLimit, the random number is stored in the Coordinator contract only, and the random number to the Consumer contract is canceled. (The transaction does not revert).
          • avgL2GasUsed: Commit 3 average gas used + recover 1 average gas used + fulfillRandomWord 1 average gas used.
          • premiumPercentage: The cost can be multiplied by a percentage to increase the cost. It is currently set to 0 and not used.
          • flatFee: Flat fee.
          • getCurrentTxL1GasFee(): For L2, we need to calculate L1 gas.
    • CurrentTxL1GasFee

      • For L2, the size of the calldata determines the L1 gas cost, and different Optimism versions calculate the L1 gas cost differently. (Arbitrum is not considered.)
        • Legacy versions (Titan, Titan Sepolia)
          • In the Predeploy contract, the OVM_GasPriceOracle contract, values like baseFee are taken from the OVM_GasPriceOracle contract and calculated based on calldata_size.
          • Fixed address of OVM_GasPriceOracle contract: 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F
        • Bedrock version, Ecotone version
          • Both Bedrock and Ecotone versions get baseFee and blob-related values from a predeploy contract called L1_Block_Attributes and calculate them based on calldata_size.
          • L1_Block_Attributes contract at fixed address: 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015
    • CalculateDirectFundingPrice example on Titan network

      • tx.gasPrice: Fixed to 0.001 Gwei.
      • callbackGasLimit: Assumed to be 100,000.
      • avgL2GasUsed:
        • 3 Commit: 554690 + 539184 + 558154 = 1,652,028
        • 1 Recover: 337,913
        • 1 FulfillRandomWord: Approx. 118,000
        • Total: 2,107,941
      • flatFee: Assumed to be 0.001 ETH.
      • getCurrentTxL1GasFee():
        • avgL1GasUsed (proportional to calldata size):
          • 3 Commit: 10,508 + 10,496 + 10,496
          • 1 Recover: 10,484
          • 1 FulfillRandomWord: 5,840
          • Total: 47,824
        • l1BaseFee: 23.433261599 Gwei (fixed).
      • Calculation:
        • 0.001 Gwei * (100,000 + 2,107,941) + 0.001 ETH + 23.433261599 Gwei * 47,824
        • = 2,207,941,000,000 + 1,000,000,000,000,000 + 1,120,672,302,710,576 wei
        • = 2,122,880,243,710,576 wei
        • => 0.002122880243710576 ETH
        • => 11,003 KRW
        • => 8.03 USD
  2. EstimateDirectFundingPrice

    • How to calculate how much to send when requesting a requestRandomWord off-chain:
      1. Get the gasPrice of the current network.
      2. Use the EstimateDirectFundingPrice view function of the Coordinator contract to get the corresponding cost by providing the gasPrice and callbackGasLimit as parameters.
      3. Add a buffer to the cost and include it as a value when calling requestRandomWord.
        • Reason for buffer: The gasPrice can fluctuate (the gasPrice obtained off-chain and the gasPrice when the transaction is executed can be very different).
        • A buffer of 10% is a good rule of thumb.
        • What happens to the amount left over after giving a buffer?
          • The remaining amount will stay in the Consumer contract. In a single transaction of requestRandomWord, the calculateDirectFundingPrice function is executed twice (once by the Consumer and once by the Coordinator).
            • We should provide guidance for Consumer contract developers to implement logic that allows the requestor to withdraw the remaining amount, or handle it differently.
              • When implementing the Consumer, we will guide developers to implement it by inheriting from an abstract contract called RNGConsumerBase. By declaring an empty function to handle the remaining amount, Consumer developers will be required to implement it to avoid abstract contract errors.

Known Issues

For Operators

  1. minimumDepositAmount

    • Since the rounds run in some degree of parallel, it is possible to be penalized simultaneously at a given point. Therefore, logic needs to be added to check if the minimumDepositAmount of the operators is appropriate for each round.
      • This will be fixed after the RandomDay event.
    • Incentive mechanisms (not updated yet):
      • What if the leader doesn't recover for 2 minutes?
        • Any other operators who committed to this round should recover.
        • There should be a recovery gas cost plus some reward. The leader's reward should go to the recoverer (first come, first served).
  2. reRequestRandomWordAtRound

    • The function may be executed when the commitPhase is over and there are less than 2 commits.
    • This function was created to ensure that the specific round to be fulfilled. However, this function requires additional gas to run, which will be addressed in the future.
    • Function descriptions
      • In a round that is reRequested when there is already a single commit, the existing committed commit and its operator are expected to participate normally in that round. However, the existing commit count is ignored and counted from zero again.
      • Reason: We implemented this because if the reRequested round creates one more commit, resulting in a total of two commits to recover, it may not be a safe random number.
      • Who runs it?
        • Functions can be executed by anyone, but the operator (who wants to participate in the round) will be the one to run it.


  • We are aware the Coordinator is owned by a single user who can set fee related variables, aka it is centralized.
  • We are missing some zero address checks/input validation intentionally to save gas.


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