Did you know that if you start saving $10 a day, in 3 months you can go on an amazing trip to New Orleans?
Vaca is a micro-savings service that helps make your dream vacation come true.
We intelligently suggest our users pre-planned trips and their itineraries, simply by understanding their interests and their trip timeframe. We encourage them to save up for the big trip, by breaking down the cost into a small and manageable amount every day.
To save, users can attach a variety of funding sources (bank account or credit card in this case), schedule payments, and create adhoc payments.
While the user is saving for their trip, we will suggest them other related activities that they can add to their trip. We will send them daily notifications of their savings through SMS, and also reminder calls when their trips are a week away.
Moreover, during the trip, we will send you special offers for the food, and upgrade packages for the trip.
We built the front-end in React, back-end in Node.js. We also used the Stripe API for credit card payments and the Nexmo API for savings notifications and trip reminders.
We look forward to expand our travel data sources, and build real partnerships with tourism service providers. We also want to investigate into features such as flight pre-booking and micro-loans.