- The purpose of this project was to make a to-do list app with projects
- The projects would store tasks and tasks would be made in projects
- Tasks and projects are stored in local storage
- There are also filter buttons (today, this week, etc) that use the date-fns module
- The tasks have a colored borders based on the priority of the task (high, low, mid)
- The progress filter view shows tasks based on the point in progress of a task (not started, in progress, and completed) -- Completed tasks also have strike throughs on the title
- This project was completed as part of the odin project js curriculum
- It was made using JS, SASS, Webpack, NPM and GH Actions
- Live Preview
- This project was the second one I've made using Webpack
- In comparison to the first, my webpack config was more complex
- Additionally, I used NPM a lot more and opted to upload a remote repository to Github as opposed to using the 'cloning method'
- The focus of this project was to separate application logic and visual logic (DOM) -- This was initially difficult and this project took longer than I thought it would -- Ultimately it became imperative as I incorporated local storage more frequently