Running the files
int lineCount=1 ;
DIGIT [0 -9 ]
VERBS " listen" | " run" | " play" | " walk" | " sing" | " join" | " gone" | " dance" | " throws" | " catch" | " catching" | " talking" | " talks" | " talk" | " be" | " am" | " is" | " was" | " were" | " being" | " washed" | " Wash" | " wash" | " has" | " have" | " had" | " do" | " does" | " did" | " can" | " could" | " shall" | " should" | " will" | " would" | " may" | " find" | " are"
ADJECTIVES " fast" | " awesome" | " hilarious" | " fun" | " mature" | " cheerful" | " preventive" | " Preventive" | " slow" | " Slow" | " Great" | " great" | " Good" | " good" | " bad" | " Bad" | " Worse" | " Worst" | " Best" | " best" | " better" | " worse" | " worst" | " funny" | " difficult" | " easy" | " Easy" | " Difficult" | " clean" | " dirty" | " colourful" | " white" | " red" | " pink" | " violet" | " indigo" | " purple" | " grey"
ADVERBS " lovingly" | " happily" | " carefully" | " cheerfully" | " carelessly" | " sadly" | " honestly" | " steadily" | " readily" | " immediately" | " gently" | " slowly" | " very"
PRONOUNS " you" | " us" | " I" | " she" | " She" | " It" | " it" | " her" | " his" | " His" | " Her" | " He" | " he" | " they" | " They" | " this" | " This"
CONJUNCTIONS " after" | " although" | " as" | " as if" | " as long as" | " as much as" | " as soon as" | " as though" | " because" | " before" " by the time" | " even if" | " even though" | " if" | " in order that" | " in case" | " in the event that" | " now that" | " once" | " only" | " only if" | " provided that" | " since" | " so" | " supposing" | " that" | " than" | " though" | " till" | " unless" | " until" | " when" | " whenever" | " where" | " whereas" | " wherever" | " whether or not" | " while" | " and" | " or"
PREPOSITIONS " in" | " on" | " to" | " under" | " over" | " above" | " below" | " beside" | " towards" | " out" | " of"
GERUNDS " having" | " doing" | " going"
ARTICLES " the" | " an" | " a"
[ \t ]+ ;
\n {lineCount++;fprintf (yyout," Line : %d\n " ,lineCount);}
{NUMBERS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- NUMBER\n " ,yytext);}
{VERBS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- VERB\n " ,yytext);}
{ADVERBS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- ADVERB\n " ,yytext);}
{PRONOUNS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- PRONOUN\n " ,yytext);}
{CONJUNCTIONS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- CONJUNCTION\n " ,yytext);}
{PREPOSITIONS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- PREPOSITION\n " ,yytext);}
{ARTICLES } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- ARTICLE\n " ,yytext);}
{ADJECTIVES } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- ADJECTIVE\n " ,yytext);}
{GERUNDS } {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- GERUND\n " ,yytext);}
[a -zA -Z ]+ {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- NOUN\n " ,yytext);}
\. {fprintf (yyout," - %s\t\t\t ---- FULLSTOP\n " ,yytext);}
int yywrap ()
return 1 ;
int main ()
extern FILE *yyin, *yyout;
yyin = fopen (" 3a_inputFile.txt" ," r" );
yyout = fopen (" 3a_outputFile.txt" ," w" );
yylex ();
printf (" \n output generated in file!\n " );
fclose (yyin);
fclose (yyout);
return 0 ;
Input File- 3a_inputFile.txt
They are awesome and hilarious.
Dave should join them.
Output File- 3a_outputFile.txt
- They ---- PRONOUN
- are ---- VERB
- awesome ---- ADJECTIVE
- and ---- CONJUNCTION
- hilarious ---- ADJECTIVE
- . ---- FULLSTOP
Line : 2
- Dave ---- NOUN
- should ---- VERB
- join ---- VERB
- them ---- NOUN
- . ---- FULLSTOP