Code for the paper Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification (EMNLP 2014).
Runs the model on Pang and Lee's movie review dataset (MR in the paper). Please cite the original paper when using the data.
Code is written in Python (2.7) and requires Theano (0.7).
Using the pre-trained word2vec
vectors will also require downloading the binary file from
To process the raw data, run
python path
where path points to the word2vec binary file (i.e. GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin
This will create a pickle object called mr.p
in the same folder, which contains the dataset
in the right format.
Note: This will create the dataset with different fold-assignments than was used in the paper. You should still be getting a CV score of >81% with CNN-nonstatic model, though.
Example commands:
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32 python -nonstatic -rand
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32 python -static -word2vec
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32 python -nonstatic -word2vec
This will run the CNN-rand, CNN-static, and CNN-nonstatic models respectively in the paper.
GPU will result in a good 10x to 20x speed-up, so it is highly recommended.
To use the GPU, simply change device=cpu
to device=gpu
(or whichever gpu you are using).
For example:
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32 python -nonstatic -word2vec
CPU output:
epoch: 1, training time: 219.72 secs, train perf: 81.79 %, val perf: 79.26 %
epoch: 2, training time: 219.55 secs, train perf: 82.64 %, val perf: 76.84 %
epoch: 3, training time: 219.54 secs, train perf: 92.06 %, val perf: 80.95 %
GPU output:
epoch: 1, training time: 16.49 secs, train perf: 81.80 %, val perf: 78.32 %
epoch: 2, training time: 16.12 secs, train perf: 82.53 %, val perf: 76.74 %
epoch: 3, training time: 16.16 secs, train perf: 91.87 %, val perf: 81.37 %
Denny Britz has an implementation of the model in TensorFlow:
He also wrote a nice tutorial on it, as well as a general tutorial on CNNs for NLP.
Coming soon.
At the time of my original experiments I did not have access to a GPU so I could not run a lot of different experiments. Hence the paper is missing a lot of things like ablation studies and variance in performance.
Ye Zhang has written a very nice paper doing an extensive analysis of model variants (e.g. filter widths, k-max pooling, word2vec vs Glove, etc.) and their effect on performance.