This is my rudimentary set of dotfiles. I'm starting off with a fork of Holman's dotfiles. In addition to the basic dotfiles, I'm planning to augment the bootstrap script to get a few things set up for a new OS X system. I'm not sure if this will ever be necessary as I always set up new systems from a backup, but hopefully this will help me save a little time if all goes wrong.
I'm adopting the topic centric approach of Holman's dotfiles. I'm wiping out a few of the files from the fork for programs I don't use and taking an antigen approach to managing zsh plugins and using pathogen to manage vim plugins.
Run the following:
git clone --recursive ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
There are a few submodules included which are assumed to be loaded when
bootstrapping, so the recursive
flag is important.
I'm using OS X Yosemite (10.10) with iTerm2 with the [Solarized Dark] ( color scheme. Some of the configuration and settings in these dotfiles probably won't work or look good with a very different setup.
I briefly tested the install script on a fresh virtualized OS X instance along with the bootstrap script and it works fine.