CI/CD Operator v0.3.0 Release!
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tmax-cloud/cicd-operator/v0.3.0/config/release.yaml
Refer to the documents for the further usage
- [feat] Design merge automation config (#185)
- [feat] Update git client (#186)
- [feat] Add ListPullRequests methods to git clients (#188)
- [feat] Enable mergeConfig for IntegrationConfig (#190)
- [feat] Implement pool sync methods of blocker (#191)
- [feat] Enable pagination for git clients (#194)
- [feat] Implement commit-status check logic for blocker (#195)
- [feat] Add base sha for commit status description (#204)
- [feat] Add status syncer to blocker (#208)
- [feat] Add approve chat-ops plugin (#211)
- [feat] Add GetBranch, MergePullRequest methods to git clients (#213)
- [feat] Implement merge automation (#216)
- [feat] Enable merge automation (#221)
- [fix] Change job message to reduce git api calls (#197)
- [fix] Change interface for setting git commit status (#198)
- [fix] Change gitlab client to get iid of a merge request (#199)
- [fix] Change key for synchronizing pull request pools (#200)
- [fix] Add base SHA to IntegrationJob for PreSubmit jobs (#201)
- [fix] Set simple message only for commit status (#206)
- [fix] Fix status check logic (#207)
- [fix] Improve git clients (#209)
- [fix] Improve configmap controller (#217)
- [fix] Enable global merge configs (#218)
- [fix] Make git image configurable (#220)