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tkurz edited this page May 14, 2012 · 6 revisions

Sample annotation based on the video of the Salzkammergutfestival provided by Yoovis at The subtitle (SRT) track generated by CaptionTube is at

Let us assume the following fragments of the video are annotated in the tool:

  1. a temporal fragment at 51s to 53s which mentions the Anti-Baby Pill (in the audio track)
  2. a spatial fragment in the top right corner (10% width and height) which shows something representative of the Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden (e.g. the festival logo)
  3. a temporal fragment at 132s to 144s which mentions something representative of the Landesmusikschule Gmunden (e.g. audio refers to the performance "at a local school")
  4. a spatio-temporal fragment at 138s to 141s which shows Carl Djerassi

N3 model of ontology extension of the W3C Media Ontology

@prefix ma: <> .
@prefix cma: <> .
@prefix oac: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .

cma:explicitlyMentions rdfs:subPropertyOf cma:mentions ;
cma:implicitlyMentions rdfs:subPropertyOf cma:mentions ;
cma:explicitlyShows rdfs:subPropertyOf cma:shows ;
cma:implicitlyShows rdfs:subPropertyOf cma:shows ;

cma:mentions rdfs:subPropertyOf ma:hasKeyword .
  owl:inverseOf oac:annotates ;

cma:shows rdfs:subPropertyOf ma:hasKeyword .
  owl:inverseOf oac:annotates ;

start N3 notation of a sample media annotation

@prefix ma: <> .
@prefix cma: <> .
@prefix dct: <> . 

<> a ma:MediaResource;
  ma:hasSubtitling  <>;
  ma:hasLanguage  [ rdfs:label "de" ] ;
  ma:hasContributor  <>;
  ma:date  "2011-09-13"^^xsd:date;
  ma:hasRelatedLocation "27.14, 16.83"^^geo:point;
  ma:isCopyrightedBy  <> ;
  ma:hasPolicy  <>;

  ma:hasFragment  <>;
  ma:hasFragment  <>;
  ma:hasFragment  <>;
  ma:hasFragment  <>.

<> a ma:MediaFragment;
  ma:locator <,53>;
  cma:explicitlyMentions <>.

<> a oac:Annotation;
  oac:target <>;
  oac:body <>;
  ma:creator <>

<> a ma:MediaFragment;
  ma:locator <,90,75,75>;
  cma:explicitlyMentions <>.

<> a oac:Annotation;
  oac:target <>;
  oac:body <>;
  ma:creator <>

<> a ma:MediaFragment;
  ma:locator <,144>;
  cma:implicitlyMentions  <>.

<> a oac:Annotation;
  oac:target <>;
  oac:body <>;
  ma:creator <>

<> a ma:MediaFragment;
  ma:locator <,20,60,50&t=138,141>;
  cma:explicitlyShows  <>.

<> a oac:Annotation;
  oac:target <>;
  oac:body <>;
  ma:creator <>