Heap Memory Allocator by tkosman
First, clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/tkosman/tk-alloc.git
Next, execute the installation script and specify your desired destination folder:
cd tk-alloc
./install_lib.sh {DESTINATION_FOLDER}
During the installation process, you will be prompted to confirm the installation of required packages:
Do you want to install all necessary packages for the lib? (y/n)
Please note that you will need to enter your sudo password if agreed.
If a tk-alloc
folder already exists in the destination, the script will ask whether to rebuild it or exit. Respond as needed to proceed. Be aware as your data may be removed.
│ ├── tk-alloc
│ │ ├── lib
│ │ │ ├── include
│ │ │ │ └── heapAllocator.h //header to be included (add at the beginning of your program)
│ │ │ └── lib-tk-alloc.a //compiled library (add to compilation)
│ │ └── source-code //dir containing all the source code
├── EXAPMLE.c //your code should be here
Warning: replace {CAPS} with values.
#include "{DEST_FOLDER}/tk-alloc/lib/include/heapAllocator.h"
int main(void)
atexit(checkForUnfreedChunks); //to check if all mem is freed at program exit
void *ptr = heapAlloc(10); //to alloc
heapFree(ptr); //to free
printMemoryStats(); //to print all collected stats
gcc {SOURCE *.c FILES} -I{DEST_FOLDER}/tk-alloc/lib/include -L{DEST_FOLDER}/tk-alloc/lib -l-tk-alloc -o {DESIRED_OUTPUT}
To run both unit and e2e tests, run the following command:
make test
For code analysis:
make analyze
To clean /target
make clean
To do clean, build, test and analyze:
make regression
The code is licensed under the MIT License.
This license permits free use, modification, and distribution, with limitations on liability and warranty.