WATG richtext editor for angularjs web applications
bower install watg-angular-richtext --save
ngSanitize is a required module.
angular.module('myApp', ['...', 'ngSanitize','watgRichtext']);
Internal Id of the control. In case you have multiple controls on the same page
The rich text variable on your controller
The configuration setting for the control. See below for me details/examples
An array that is being "watched". If changed the control will "reset" (There is absolutely a better way of doing this. which I will develop in the next weeks/months)
$scope.resetCount = [];
//a local action that forces editor to "reset"
$scope.doSomething = function () {
$scope.resetCount.push(parseInt($scope.resetCount.length + 1));
$scope.richTextConfig = {
height: 300, //height of the editor control default 300
multiLine: true, //default true
bootstrapCssPath: 'public/css/vendor.min.css', //your path to boostrap.css.
showVariablesSelector: false, //an array of variables to insert
showFontSelector: false, //an array of font families
showFontSizeSelector: false, //an array of font sizes
showColorSelector: false, //an array of colors
fontSizes: myFontSizes,
fontFamilies: myFontFamilies,
colors: myColors,
showBold: false,
showItalic: false,
showStrikeThrough: false,
showUnderline: false,
showUnorderedList: false,
showOrderedList: false,
showReduceIndent: false,
showIndent: false,
showLeftAlign: false,
showCenterAlign: false,
showRightAlign: false,
showJustify: false,
showUndo: false,
showRedo: false,
showInsertLink: false,
showRemoveLink: false,
showSourceCode: false
var myFontSizes: [{
fontSizeName: 'Huge',
fontSize: 7
}, {
fontSizeName: 'Big',
fontSize: 5
}, {
fontSizeName: 'Normal',
fontSize: 3
}, {
fontSizeName: 'Small',
fontSize: 1
var myFontFamilies: [{
fontName: 'Arial'
}, {
fontName: 'Calibri'
}, {
fontName: 'Time New Roman'
}, {
fontName: 'Palatino Linotype'
var myColors: [{
colorName: 'Black',
colorValue: '000000'
}, {
colorName: 'Silver',
colorValue: 'C0C0C0'
}, {
colorName: 'Gray',
colorValue: '808080'