Sample Gradle projects accompanying Gradle Build Bible book.
For explanations of each project, please review the relevant course lessons.
From Chapter 1: Practical: creating a simple Gradle project
From Chapter 1: "Zip" challenge
From Chapter 3: Task inputs & outputs
From Chapter 4: Practical: building a Java project
As above, but includes changes from Chapter 4: Running Java applications and Chapter 4: Adding integration tests to a project
From Chapter 4: Practical: building Spring Boot applications
From Chapter 5: Practical: creating a multi-project build
From Chapter 5: Practical: buildSrc and convention plugins and Creating custom tasks
From _Chapter 5: Creating custom tasks
From Chapter 5: Creating custom plugins, Sharing custom plugins, and Testing custom plugins
Each directory is a completely separate Gradle project.
Import it into your IDE of choice or run directly from the command line, as per the course lesson.
For Chapter 5's multi-project practical, please download