This is a plugin to run queries against etcd snapshots and raw database folders. This plugin is compatible with the key layout of Kubernetes and OpenShift.
The very basic example is listing all keys:
$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot"
where "etcd.snapshot" is an etcd snapshot in the current folder that was generated with etcdctl snapshot save
Alternatively, you can supply a direct path:
$ octosql "SELECT * FROM ./etcdsnapshot/data/basic.snapshot"
When you don't have the snapshot extension, you can also directly supply the plugin source via:
$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcdsnapshot.etcddump"
This is also required when loading from a "dataDir" directly:
$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcdsnapshot. /var/lib/etcd/"
Mind the space and note that the database must be closed beforehand (i.e. etcd was properly shut down).
The table schema currently looks like that:
$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot" --describe
| name | type | time_field |
| 'apigroup' | 'NULL | String' | false |
| 'apiserverPrefix' | 'NULL | String' | false |
| 'createRevision' | 'Int' | false |
| 'key' | 'String' | false |
| 'lease' | 'Int' | false |
| 'modRevision' | 'Int' | false |
| 'name' | 'NULL | String' | false |
| 'namespace' | 'NULL | String' | false |
| 'resourceType' | 'NULL | String' | false |
| 'value' | 'String' | false |
| 'valueSize' | 'Int' | false |
| 'version' | 'Int' | false |
is the actual key in etcd, all others can be NULL.apiserverPrefix
is the prefix defined in the apiserver, for example, or registryapigroup
are specified groups, eg. cloudcredential.openshift.ioresourceType
are the usual k8s resources like "pod", "service", "deployment"namespace
is the namespace of that resourcename
is the resource namevalue
is the value as a string (usually JSON in K8s/CRDs)valueSize
is the amount of bytes needed to store the valuecreateRevision
is the revision of last creation on this keymodRevision
is the revision of last modification on this keyversion
is the version of the key, a deletion resets it to zero and a modification increments its valuelease
contains the lease id, if a lease is attached to that key, a value of zero means no lease
Awesome queries you can run against your etcd (snapshots):
$ octosql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM etcd.snapshot"
| count |
| 10953 |
$ octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot WHERE name='console'"
| key | apiserverPrefix | apigroup | resourceType | namespace | name |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'clusterrolebindings' | <null> | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'clusterroles' | <null> | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | '' | 'clusteroperators' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'deployments' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | '' | 'servicemonitors' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'poddisruptionbudgets' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'rolebindings' | 'kube-system' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'serviceaccounts' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | 'services' | 'endpoints' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | 'services' | 'specs' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'oauth' | 'clients' | 'console' |
| '/' | '' | <null> | 'routes' | 'openshift-console' | 'console' |
$ octosql "SELECT namespace, COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM etcd.snapshot where resourceType='events' GROUP BY namespace ORDER BY CNT DESC"
| namespace | CNT |
| 'openshift-monitoring' | 460 |
| 'openshift-kube-apiserver-operator' | 371 |
| 'openshift-etcd-operator' | 353 |
| 'openshift-multus' | 347 |
| 'openshift-etcd' | 340 |
| 'openshift-cluster-csi-drivers' | 285 |
| 'openshift-kube-controller-manager-operator' | 278 |
| 'openshift-kube-controller-manager' | 261 |
| 'openshift-apiserver' | 234 |
| 'openshift-authentication-operator' | 227 |
| 'openshift-kube-apiserver' | 222 |
$ octosql "SELECT COUNT(*) AS CNT FROM etcd.snapshot where resourceType='imagestreams' ORDER BY CNT DESC"
| CNT |
| 60 |
$ octosql "SELECT l.key FROM etcd.snapshot l LEFT JOIN etcd_later.snapshot r ON l.key = r.key WHERE r.key IS NULL"
| key |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
| '/' |
$ octosql "SELECT namespace, SUM(valueSize) AS S from etcd.snapshot GROUP BY namespace ORDER BY S DESC"
| namespace | S |
| 'openshift-monitoring' | 3635823 |
| 'customresourcedefinitions' | 2752055 |
| 'apirequestcounts' | 2138028 |
| <null> | 1737472 |
| 'openshift-config-managed' | 1278729 |
$ octosql "SELECT d.key, SUBSTR(d.value, 0, 10) FROM etcd.snapshot d WHERE name='version'"
| key | col_1 |
| '/' | '{"apiVersi' |
| '/' | '' |
Note that "key" seems to be a reserved keyword, so when querying the key you will need to qualify with its table name.
$ octosql "SELECT MAX(createRevision) FROM etcd.snapshot"
| max |
| 612442603 |
$octosql "SELECT COUNT(modRevision) FROM etcd.snapshot WHERE key='/'"
| count_modRevision |
| 3486 |
$ octosql "SELECT d.key, COUNT(modRevision) AS CNT FROM etcd.snapshot d GROUP BY d.key ORDER BY CNT DESC LIMIT 5"
| key | CNT |
| '/' | 3611 |
| '/' | 3486 |
| '/' | 1341 |
| '/' | 320 |
| '/' | 240 |
$ octosql "SELECT d.key, SUM(valueSize) AS SZ FROM etcd.snapshot d GROUP BY d.key ORDER BY SZ DESC LIMIT 5"
| key | SZ |
| '/' | 1650272400 |
| '/' | 30435788 |
| '/' | 28948038 |
| '/' | 3637390 |
| '/' | 1405726 |
- Follow the instructions on OctoSQL to install the query binary.
- Register the etcdsnapshot with the "snapshot" extension like that:
$ mkdir -p ~/.octosql/ && echo "{\"snapshot\": \"etcdsnapshot\"}" > ~/.octosql/file_extension_handlers.json
- Add this repository as a plugin repo:
$ octosql plugin repository add
- Install the plugin:
$ octosql plugin install etcdsnapshot/etcdsnapshot
Try it out with a snapshot file named "etcd.snapshot" in the current folder:
octosql "SELECT * FROM etcd.snapshot"
In order to get a build directly from the source, you can leverage the makefile to build:
make build
and install it directly in the plugin directory with:
make install