UI templates for django-allauth built with Tailwind.
django-allauth is a great library, but the templates it provides out of the box are minimal html. I usually end up re-designing the login / logout / signup pages for each new Django project. This library aims at providing decent defaults for new projects.
- Responsive design suitable for device sizes from mobile to desktop
- Styled social login themes
- Additional error information when social logins fail
pip install django-allauth-ui
pip install django-widget-tweaks
django-allauth-ui depends on django-widget-tweaks to render form fields. Make sure to install django-widget-tweaks and add it to the INSTALLED_APPS.
Add django-allauth-ui before django-allauth in your INSTALLED_APPS. See ./tests/settings.py for an example.
When going to production you should run python manage.py collectstatic
convert "$1" -crop 1072x901+436+200 crop_signin.png
# Clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:danihodovic/django-allauth-ui.git
cd django-allauth-ui.git
# Create the virtual env
python -m venv .venv
# Activate the virtual env. This has to be done every time you enter the directory.
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install the dependencies
pip install --upgrade pip poetry
poetry install
# Install tailwind
npm install
# Run the migrations
./manage.py migrate
# Add sample social providers
./manage.py create_test_providers
# Start the server
./manage.py runserver_plus
# Start the tailwind compilation process in another terminal
npm run-script build:watch
Make changes in allauth_ui/templates and open the browser at http://localhost:8000/accounts/login/.
Once you're done compile tailwind with npm run-script build
and submit a pull-request 🃏
Made with contrib.rocks.