The aim of this second robotics project was to develop a comprehensive localization and mapping system for a robot.
- Localization and Mapping: The project aimed to implement a localization and mapping system, involving the creation and maintenance of a map of the robot's environment and accurate determination of the robot's position within the map.
- Launch Files Configuration: Configuration of launch files, including AMCL for localization and Gmapping for map creation, with careful parameter tuning.
- Map Creation: Creation of maps using the Gmapping algorithm based on data from a bag file. Generated map files were stored for further use.
- RVIZ Configuration: RVIZ configuration for real-time visualization of robot localization and mapping, ensuring a proper display for the project's scenario.
- TF Tree Visualization: An image of the TF tree was provided to visualize and debug transformation frames, aiding in understanding the robot's coordinate transformations.
- Multiple Data Sources: Utilization of visual odometry, IMU data, and scout odometry as reliable data sources for localization, enhancing accuracy in determining the robot's position and orientation.
- Bag Files: Specific bag files were used for map creation, testing, and localization to evaluate the system's performance.
- Execution Commands: Detailed instructions for launching various components, such as Gmapping and localization nodes, provided a clear and user-friendly setup for project testing and operation.