This collection is made of up world's continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica). Each continent NFT have an associated opensea metadata standard with a limited supply of 7 items.
Tokens are minted to the contract address immediately during deployment. Then contract owner get to kickstart the auction by calling the createAuction
methods in ContinentAuction.sol
. ContinentAuction.sol
is the contract that manages the auctions and bidding. it is initialised with the token address on deployment.
- Solidity
- Truffle
- Wagmi
- Express
- Typescript
- React
- Connectkits,
- Viem,
- ReactQuery
- Docker
Node 18 LTS/Hydrogen (LTS is recommended) Yarn 1+ (1.22.19 is recommended)
- Create an .env file and add variables.
- Install all the packages
- Compile contracts
truffle compile && truffle migrate
- Deploy contracts
truffle migrate --network sepolia
- Change directory to client folder
cd client
- Create an .env file and add variables using
- Install all the packages
- Start frontend application
yarn dev
Change directory to client folder
cd backend
Create an .env file and add variables.
Install all the packages
Start backend server
yarn dev
- merged token data from zora indexer and contract data to display the list of continents./citizenship/join
- api to join a continent as a citizen after auction. transaction should be signed on the dapp and signed transaction hash is send to the backend to be executed.
IPFS Metadata Script This script spins up a Helia IPFS Node and Pinned collection to Pinata pinning services. Tools: Helia, Pinata, IPFS Desktop