A Java program to visualise distributional data on radial plots and kernel density estimates
RadialPlotter requires Java 6 or higher (see [http://java.com]{http://java.com})
The program was developed using Netbeans with JDK 1.6.
Download the .jar file from GitHub and double-click.
http://radialplotter.london-geochron.com for RadialPlotter
http://densityplotter.london-geochron.com for DensityPlotter
Both programs offer the same functionality albeit with different presets.
Vermeesch, P., 2009, RadialPlotter: a Java application for fission track, luminescence and other radial plots, Radiation Measurements, 44, 4, 409-410
Vermeesch, P., 2012. On the visualisation of detrital age distributions. Chemical Geology, v.312-313, 190-194
This project is licensed under the GPL-3 License