This is a Kotlin implementation of krobotremoteserver, a framework for creating remote libraries for Robot Framework in Kotlin. This implementation utilizes Ktor as the HTTP server framework for providing remote library functionalities.
To use this library in your project, you can download the JAR file directly from Maven Central or use Maven/Gradle to add it as a dependency.
implementation 'de.rolandgreim.krobotremoteserver:krobotremoteserver-ktor:{VERSION}'
To create a custom library with krobotremoteserver in Kotlin, you need to create a class that provides your library functions. You can use annotations to mark the functions as keywords.
import io.ktor.server.engine.embeddedServer
import io.ktor.server.netty.Netty
import io.ktor.server.netty.NettyApplicationEngine
class MyLibrary {
@RobotKeyword(tags = ["x"])
fun abc(a: Int) = a * 2
fun main() {
val myLibrary = MyLibrary()
embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8270) {
}.start(wait = true)
For further information on using krobotremoteserver, please refer to the official documentation.
- Roland Greim (@tigerxy) - Lead Developer
- Andreas Scheja (@ascheja)
- Sources in xmlrpc package are based on his xml-rpc-kt
This implementation is released under the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the LICENSE