Embedded System Remote Updater
Extreme lightweight package manager for updating applications on embedded sytems. It uses two enviroments for automatic and secure updating. It automatically starts a recover version in case of updating failure Also it delivers an option for a sanity check.
Applications are stored as Packages (see Packages.conf for example) Applications can be updated by Job files (see examples/ for example Job files)
Job files are tars which has to deliver a Job.conf file with defined Tasks in it (see Template.conf) Following Tasks are supported (Add, Update and Remove) New or update files has to be in a folder with their package name. One Job.conf can content multiply Tasks.
The EmSyRU downloads the given Job File and automaticlly checks the Packages versions and update them. A Report of the updating process is been uploaded back again.
Copyright (c) 2015, Tristan Igelbrink
This Application uses the CurlPP Packages (Copyright (c) <2002-2009> )
- GCC 4.8
- CMake 2.8
- CurlDev (debian libcurl4-openssl-dev)
- CurlPP 0.2 (debian libcurlpp-dev)
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake ../
- make
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake -C ../toolchains/armv7.cmake ../ (needs 32bit Curl)
- make
- ./EmSyRU "user@ftp://path/to/jobfile" "password"
- ./EmSyRU "user@ftp://path/to/jobfile" "password" ["/path/for/creating/workbench"]
If no path for creating the workbench is given the workbench will be created next to executable