Material Related to the "The Web Developer Bootcamp" by Colt Steele on Udemy
- Setup
- How Web Works
- The Holy Trinity of web development
- Basic Boilerplate and HTML basics
- HTML Lists
- Divs, spans
- HTML Attributes
- tables
- labels
- forms
- inputs
- CSS basics
- Selectors
- Background, borders
- specificity
- texts, fonts
- Google Fonts
- MINI Project: Tic Tac Toe Board
- MINI Project: Image Gallery
- MINI Project: CSS Blog from Scratch
- Forms
- Navbars
- The grid system
- MINI Project: Bootstrap Image Gallery
- MINI Project: Startup Landing Page
- Primitives
- Variables
- Exercises
- Boolean Logic
- Logical Operators
- Conditional
- While loops, for loops
- exercises
- functions
- arguments
- return
- scope
- Intro to arrays
- array methods
- To-Do List mini project
- Exercises
- Intro to Objects
- Objects vs. Arrays
- Adding methods to objects
- Movie Database Exercise
- Intro to DOM
- Select and Manipulate
- Manipulating Style, text, content, attributes
- Intro to Events
- Exercises
- MINI Project: Score Keeper
- Selectors
- Useful methods: attr() val() addClass() removeClass() toggleClass() text() html()
- click() keypress() on() methods
- jQuery effects