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dials 1.3.0

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@hfrick hfrick released this 30 Jul 11:22


  • The space-filling design functionality was expanded to include several new types of designs: Audze-Eglais, max/min L1, max/min L2, and uniform. These are all pre-computed designs accessed from the sfd package (#329).

  • A new function is used to access all of the space-filling designs called grid_space_filling() (#329).

  • Two new parameters, activation_2() and hidden_units_2(), for use with brulee::brulee_mlp_two_layer() (#339).


  • grid_max_entropy() and grid_latin_hypercube() are deprecated in favor of grid_space_filling() (#332).

  • pull_dials_object() has been removed (#344).

  • The grid_*() methods for workflow objects have been removed (#344).

  • The deprecation of the default argument to the constructors new_quant_param() and new_qual_param() has been escalated to an error (#344).