Project to automate the installation of Public Software i-Educar.
Project Status: Under development
- Project description
- Prerequisites
- Authentication mode on the target server
- Running the playbook
- Role variables
- Dependencies
- License
- Author information
- Donate
Project to automate the installation of Public Software i-Educar.
- The command cannot be executed on the installation target server as during the installation process the server is restarted.
SSH Generate Key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Set key permission
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Add key in server
ansible-playbook add-key.yml -i inventory --key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa --extra-vars "key=~/.ssh/"
There are no steps to be performed!
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory --key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory --ask-pass
# System
system_locale: pt_BR.UTF-8
system_language: pt_BR.UTF-8
system_time_zone: America/Sao_Paulo
# Composer
composer_version: 2.2.11
php_version: 7.4
# i-Educar
ieducar_version: 2.6.9
# Postgresql
postgresql_version: 13
postgresql_encoding: 'UTF-8'
postgresql_locale: 'pt_BR.UTF-8'
postgresql_recreate_cluster: true
# pg_hba.conf
- { type: local, database: all, user: postgres, address: '', auth_method: peer }
- { type: local, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: peer }
- { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '', auth_method: md5 }
- { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: all, auth_method: md5 }
- { type: host, database: all, user: all, address: '::1/128', auth_method: md5 }
# starting version 10 there is replication role
- { type: local, database: replication, user: all, address: '', auth_method: peer }
- { type: host, database: replication, user: all, address: '', auth_method: md5 }
- { type: host, database: replication, user: all, address: '::1/128', auth_method: md5 }
# postgresql.conf
- option: listen_addresses
value: '*'
- option: log_min_duration_statement
value: 1000
- option: max_connections
value: 250
- option: shared_buffers
value: 256MB
- option: effective_cache_size
value: 768MB
- option: maintenance_work_mem
value: 64MB
- option: checkpoint_completion_target
value: 0.9
- option: wal_buffers
value: 7864kB
- option: default_statistics_target
value: 100
- option: random_page_cost
value: 1.1
- option: effective_io_concurrency
value: 200
- option: work_mem
value: 524kB
- option: min_wal_size
value: 1GB
- option: max_wal_size
value: 4GB
- Ansible Core 2.12.4
- Python 3.8.10
Help keep this project going!
Key PIX: 1d60a324-d92f-400e-b3df-40a427288b4b