This library provide a robust, easy to use kafka message consumer based on
from kafka-node that helps you managing message offsets
in correct way.
The basic idea behind this library is separate consume progress and offset
commit into two Transform stream, namely ConsumeStream
, messages will be consumed by ConsumeStream
by invoking a specified callback within a specified concurrency limit. And,
will yield all received messages in the same order
to CommitStream
when all the condition following are met:
the message itself has been consumed
all predecessor message in the same partition have been consumed
While the CommitStream
remember the latest offset of each partitions
and topics, commit them repeatedly in a specified interval as well as the time
when the consumer is rebalanced or closed.
While this idea is originate from
from kafka-node, it's buggy when you try to use it
with offset being managed by yourself, which prevents you from implementing
a reliable message consumer meets guarantee that each message should be
consumed at least once.
Even if you don't care about at-least-once guarantee at all,
duplicates a lot of message after rebalance. Although
your apps need to be idempotency when handle message, this library take the
best efforts to minimize the duplication of messages, unless error occurred
that prevent the offset to be committed, it shall NEVER duplicate any message.
kafka-node is A peer dependency of this library, you need to install it together with kafka-pipeline.
npm install kafka-pipeline kafka-node
const {ConsumerGroupPipeline} = require('kafka-pipeline');
const consumerPipeline = new ConsumerGroupPipeline({
topic: TOPIC_NAME,
messageConsumer: async (message) => {
// A optional callback function handled messages failed to consume by
// `messageConsumer`. When error raised in `messageConsumer`,
// consumerPipeline will be closed if you don't provide `failedMessageConsumer`,
// or `failedMessageConsumer` also raise an exception
failedMessageConsumer: async (exception, message) => {
consumeConcurrency: 8,
consumeTimeout: 5000,
commitInterval: 10000,
consumerGroupOption: {
groupId: GROUP_ID
// Properties of this object will be pass to ConsumerGroup
// except that some of them could be override by ConsumerGroupPipeline
// See reference of its setting at
// The following code is for demo purpose only, not suggesting you to do this
// in production code. But to avoid message duplication you need to ensure your
// app will quit in a graceful way that await the promise returned by
// consumerPipeline.close() is resolved, which will do the final offset commit
process.on('SIGTERM', function () {
consumerPipeline.close().then(function () {
3.0 (Upcoming):
now limits message consumed concurrently per-partition, not per-consumer, default value changed to 1 -
2.0: Migrated to Typescript
ISC License, see LICENSE
- More test
- Consider support HighLevelConsumer?