PHP classes designed for monitoring and evaluation data by The Hunger Project but is made public for anyone to easily and quickly establish database apps, on any platform but especially on Google App Engine. It's big advantage is the clever way it uses $_COOKIE variables to make dropdown filter selections sticky.
These classes have been replaced by those in the Classes repository to be compatible with PHP8.1 and to be utilized using composer (composer require thpglobal/classes) rather than a git submodule.
// Any code that is special to your app, like connecting to a database or setting variables used throughout
$user=$_SESSION["user"]; // set in the built in login scripts
if($user doesn't meet YOUR logical condition) Die("Not authorized, sorry");
$admin=if($user meets YOUR logical condition);
$can_edit=if($user meets YOUR logical condition for write permission);
$db = new PDO("mysql:unix_socket=/cloudsql/YOUR_PROJ:YOUR_REGION:YOUR_INSTANCE","YOUR_USER","YOUR_PWD")
include("../thpclasses/includes/menu.php"); // copy the demo menu from the classes
runtime: php8.1
entrypoint: /app/index.php
- url: /static
static_dir: static
- url: /favicon.ico
static_files: static/tst.png
upload: static/tst.png
- url: .*
script: auto
secure: always
- change includes/menu.php to include("../thpclasses/includes/auto.php");
- create folders like /app/apples /app/berries
- create scripts like /app/apples/bartlet.php, /app/apples/green.php, /app/berries/blue.php, /app/berries/goose.php
When deployed, you'll have a runnable app that looks like this: